Re: Chicago ***v-dude***
Posted by ohlou on 5/24/04
> Ohiou: this board needs all the help it can get. if you want to help people, because "you" want to ... it isn't my business. your doing a good job! & i would hope we have an alie to. we can use all of them we can get. but you know, now when i see a post that looks argumenitive, i back out of it, why waste the time & effort. what does it matter what i think! as far as i'm personaly concernd, i hope to say, my good buddy ohiou. if i need to make reference to you. in the future. keep up the good work. v- I'm not looking for acceptance or attention and there was a specific reason I addressed you with this question (although I hesitate to mention it here because it's something you don't make reference to). I,too, have come to respect this site and admire the attorneys and professionals who DONATE their time and expertise. I however, only get motivated to offer an opinion concerning morals, ethics, bigotry, childrens concerns, and my favorite "common sense". I do have an argumentative style and tone to my writing style and I do enjoy confrontation but out of respect for this site I could easily find another location to release this uncontrolable urge. Anyway, if this was too cryptic for you. ..ohlou
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Chicago ***Hey v***, 5/24/04, by ohlou.
- Re: Chicago ***Hey Ohiou*** , 5/24/04, by v.
- Re: Chicago ***Hey Ohiou*** , 5/24/04, by roosta.
- Re: Chicago ***v-dude***, 5/24/04, by ohlou.
- Re: Chicago ***v-dude*** Ohiou, 5/27/04, by v.
- Re: Chicago * forwarding email*, 5/27/04, by roosta.