Re: Church & State
Posted by Harold Robertson on 10/25/06
Today, America is decaying from within and in my opinion has little time
left as a recognized influence in world affairs.
No nation can survive when the citizens have no morals, no pride, no
patriotism, do not participate in government, sex is king, rape, murder,and
death is ignored, judges running rampant with their insane decisions
against the rights of many in favor of one plaintiff in addition arrogant
and senseless sentences as suits their pleasure-and undue power!
Russian Dictator Kruscheve was correct when he said "We will bury you
without a shot"
Today's politically correct attitude permeates the still living but rotting
corpses that will bring about the collapse of America.
George Washington said "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it
is force, and like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master"!
Our U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have become fearful masters -
masters of deceit, dishonesty, lying and cheating while America collapses.