Re: seperation of church & state?
Posted by Notmyreligion on 2/13/05
Personally I am appalled to read this, and I believe that you
should make no supposition about the state of religious affairs in
our country, as you clearly have not read the bible we ‘bigots’ are
touting. While many of my fellow Christians have fallen victim to
poor interpretation of the word of God I would like to say right
now that Jesus carries no ill will towards any person and
specifically denounces sin. While homosexual acts may be defined as
sin, all sin is viewed equally in the eyes of the lord, and as such
these acts are no less forgivable than any other sin. I personally
have many gay friends, and I believe they legally deserve the right
to a civil union. I do not generalize groups of people into
specific behavior habits, and so I ask you why portray me as
a ‘bigot?’ You make well-established arguments, but could have very
well done so without admonishing us “church going types.” Please
consider this in the future.
On 9/28/04, Corky wrote:
> On 9/08/04, anonymous wrote:
>> You really can't have total seperation of church and state,
>> since every elected official has a belief system, of some
> sort.....
> Used car salesmen have a belief system too, of some sort.
> Do I have to listen to them pontificate before I buy a car? do I
> have to pay a special tax to supplement their income?
> I will not have the "used car salesmen" in Washington
> pontificate to me and demand taxes to supplement their
> "church goin' " supporters. Most legitimate churches WANT
> to be seperate from government. To quote Sr. Mary Ellen--
> "THE CHURCH IS NOT A DEMOCRACY!" --no divorce, no
> premarital sex, no capital punishment, no abortion, no
> homosexuals. When the homosexuals and abortionists are
> finally outlawed, will they go after the divorcees next? Then
> what? Goodbye democracy.
> There is nothing whatsoever democratic about religion--so
> why do the bible quoting, church going types take their flags
> to church? Why do they quote the constitution like its some
> kind of bible? Why do they elevate the founding fathers to the
> level of apostles?