Re: seperation of church & state?
Posted by SFanua, 2nd Yr Law Student- Saratoga Uni Sch of Law on 7/26/04
Well 1st Amendment to deep for me to cross. However, my suggestions, we should look closely to the Constitution- First Amendment base in the federalism and state establishment with in the context of religion and public life. I have to agree there is no evidence of such delegated power in the constitution (1st Amend.). However, the Bill of Right suggestions that the religion clauses of the 1st Amendment are meant to be taken broadly rather then narrowly. I agree with previous post and I believe it has to come from History of America going back to the founders of America. If we could microscope ply examine each famous founder and look in to their religion believe, their public life and theirs ideology with regards to separation of church and state (e.g. Virginia in 1786 enacted Jefferson’s Bill for the establishment of religions liberty etc. Please read “The First Freedoms" pp 134- 138), we might see the difficult parcel start to come together. However, we should also take into account the argument of accomodationists: simply to bar the establishment of a state church, vs. separationists: believe that the founders intended to separate church and State and the framers: related to the waning of establishment. Thank you SFanua, 2nd Yr Law Student On 7/08/04, anonymous wrote: > I have copies of the Constitution, all the amendments, and > a large collection of the writings of the founding fathers. > > I have read over them many times and can not find the > section where seperation of church and state is defined. > > All that the 1st Amendment says is that Congress shall make > no law abriding the freedom of religion or the practice > thereof. (Although that part was conveniently tossed out in > the early part of the 19th century). > > So, where is said seperation defined/stated/etc?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- seperation of church & state?, 7/08/04, by anonymous.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/08/04, by US Supreme Court case law.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/08/04, by US Supremes quoting Jefferson.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/09/04, by anonymous.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/09/04, by anonymous.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/09/04, by anon.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/15/04, by somerandomguy.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/20/04, by anonymous.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/22/04, by Not so literal please?.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/26/04, by anonymous.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/26/04, by SFanua, 2nd Yr Law Student- Saratoga Uni Sch of Law.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 9/08/04, by anonymous.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 9/08/04, by anonymous.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 9/28/04, by Corky.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 9/28/04, by v.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 10/08/04, by just a kid.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 10/13/04, by Interested party.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 11/08/04, by ms.parker.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 11/09/04, by Gia.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 11/10/04, by v.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 12/07/04, by Kat.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 12/30/04, by Still lookin.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 12/30/04, by Still Lookin.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 12/31/04, by Ozarks Lawyer.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 1/02/05, by Still Lookin.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 2/13/05, by Notmyreligion.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 3/31/05, by response.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 3/31/05, by response.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 3/31/05, by response.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 3/31/05, by response.
- Re: Church & State, 7/11/05, by Frank.
- Re: Church & State, 7/11/05, by v.
- Re: Church & State, 9/15/05, by Anonymous .
- Re: Church & State, 9/16/05, by v.
- Re: Church & State, 10/25/06, by Harold Robertson.
- Re: Church & State, 10/25/06, by Harold Robertson.