Re: seperation of church & state?
Posted by v on 9/28/04
On 9/28/04, Corky wrote: > On 9/08/04, anonymous wrote: > You really can't have total seperation of church and state, > since every elected official has a belief system, of some sort.....Used car salesmen have a belief system too, of some sort. Do I have to listen to them pontificate before I buy a car? do I have to pay a special tax to supplement their income? I will not have the "used car salesmen" in Washington pontificate to me and demand taxes to supplement their "church goin' " supporters. Most legitimate churches WANT to be seperate from government. To quote Sr. Mary Ellen--"THE CHURCH IS NOT A DEMOCRACY!" --no divorce, no premarital sex, no capital punishment, no abortion, no homosexuals. When the homosexuals and abortionists are finally outlawed, will they go after the divorcees next? Then what? Goodbye democracy.There is nothing whatsoever democratic about religion--so why do the bible quoting, church going types take their flags to church? Why do they quote the constitution like its some kind of bible? Why do they elevate the founding fathers to the level of apostles? No body cares what a car salman does. he represents no one but him self. our elected officials must abide by the status qou. that is the foundation of our country, the car salsman can pontificate all he wants. as long as i get my price. why do they elevate the founding fathers ... notice no body is caninising todays fathers. that's because it took some mighty big balls to do what our founding fathers did. they sure dont make em like they used to.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- seperation of church & state?, 7/08/04, by anonymous.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/08/04, by US Supreme Court case law.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/08/04, by US Supremes quoting Jefferson.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/09/04, by anonymous.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/09/04, by anonymous.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/09/04, by anon.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/15/04, by somerandomguy.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/20/04, by anonymous.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/22/04, by Not so literal please?.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/26/04, by anonymous.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 7/26/04, by SFanua, 2nd Yr Law Student- Saratoga Uni Sch of Law.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 9/08/04, by anonymous.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 9/08/04, by anonymous.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 9/28/04, by Corky.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 9/28/04, by v.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 10/08/04, by just a kid.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 10/13/04, by Interested party.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 11/08/04, by ms.parker.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 11/09/04, by Gia.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 11/10/04, by v.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 12/07/04, by Kat.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 12/30/04, by Still lookin.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 12/30/04, by Still Lookin.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 12/31/04, by Ozarks Lawyer.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 1/02/05, by Still Lookin.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 2/13/05, by Notmyreligion.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 3/31/05, by response.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 3/31/05, by response.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 3/31/05, by response.
- Re: seperation of church & state?, 3/31/05, by response.
- Re: Church & State, 7/11/05, by Frank.
- Re: Church & State, 7/11/05, by v.
- Re: Church & State, 9/15/05, by Anonymous .
- Re: Church & State, 9/16/05, by v.
- Re: Church & State, 10/25/06, by Harold Robertson.
- Re: Church & State, 10/25/06, by Harold Robertson.