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    Post: religious harrassment at work or nothing?

    Posted by Rachel on 8/19/04

    I was just wondering if anyone can tell me anything about
    my situation. I'm working in a hotel and there is a guy
    that works there that is constantly spewing Bible verses
    and singing gospel music very loud. I'm offended because
    even though I'm a christian I do not have the same beliefs
    as he does. I have asked my manager to do something but I
    have found out she believes the same way he does and she
    does nothing about me feeling uncomfortable. Is this
    harrassment? Is there anything I can do about it? I'm so
    bothered by it that I am ready to walk out but I like my
    job and I don't see why I have to go.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • religious harrassment at work or nothing?, 8/19/04, by Rachel.
  • Re: religious harrassment at work or nothing?, 9/05/04, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: religious harrassment at work or nothing?, 10/14/05, by Sheila.
  • Re: religious harrassment at work or nothing?, 2/25/08, by Sarah Wilhite.
  • Re: religious harrassment at work or nothing?, 4/20/09, by Stan.

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