Re: Civil Service Test
Posted by Ozarks Lawyer on 10/23/04
Interesting. Who required the book as reading? What was the general thrust of the book. On 10/23/04, GAP wrote: > I' be taking a promotional test (civil service) for a > large city on the west coast. One of the required readings > is a book by Stephen L. Carter.When I purchased the book on > Amazon one of the reviewers called the book overly > religious. I tend to agree, in the first two chapters God > is mentioned 28 times, along with quotes from the Bible. My > question is- do I have a valid protest in getting this book > removed from the required reading for this civil service > test on the grounds of seperation of church and state????
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Civil Service Test, 10/23/04, by GAP.
- Re: Civil Service Test, 10/23/04, by Ozarks Lawyer.