Re: Free speech
Posted by Brett on 10/14/05
The Federal Goverment is not 'dictating' what we can say and
what we cannot
The Goverment wants to keep us in order and stop certain
I bet you were a rebel at school....your teachers said
something and you instigated against them, just because they
were not your parents, but they were in a position of
authority, can you understand this?
Do you know we have to submit to authority and our leaders
and pray for them to make the right decisions?
The bible vs. porno? so what is your take on this subject?
Porno is sick and for sick people
The Bible is the word of God
I think you are confusing Freedom of Speech with Lawlessness
Abide by the Law and nobody will bother you, not the
Goverment, not your leaders, teachers, etc.
On 10/14/05, Obie wrote:
> why in the world are we letting the federal government
> dictate to us what we can say, when we can say it, how we
> can say it and if we can say it? Who is the FCC to tell a
> disc jockey what is appropriate and what is not? Who do
> they think they are, our parents? If we do not want our
> children listening to Howard Stern, then it is our
> responsibility to make sure they don't listen, this is not
> the governments place. Come on people, our rights are
> stripped away from us right under our noses and all you
> want to discuss is the bible vs. porn. Wake up America, we
> are lsoing our freedoms. We are not a free country like
> people think we are. We are falling into a dictatorship.
> Big brother dictates what we can say, if we can own a gun
> or not, etc... Let's rise up and let them know we will not
> stand for their tyranny any longer.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Free speech, 10/14/05, by Obie.
- Re: Free speech, 10/14/05, by Brett.