Posted by KL,, on 10/19/03
On 7/11/03, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. wrote: > > Dear Judy, > > > Yes, keep us posted on the outcome of the trial! Looks > like a terrible situation to me! What's going on in our > country? I am beginning to wonder if we do not need a new > Constitution. Our present one is over 200 years old. A > constition drafted in horse and buggy days just may not be > sufficient for this age of neuroscience and interplanetary > space travel. I wonder whether or not our short Constituion > which has to have almost every word of it interpreted by the > Supreme Court so that we can know what it says is sufficient > for the 21st century. What do you think? I have not made up > my mind on this issue, but I am really giving it some serious > thought. I do not like the idea that "...the Constitution is > what the judges say it is...." The Constitution should be > what the Constitution says it is. What do you think? How do > you feel about this? > > Sincerely, > > Hardy Parkerson, Atty. > Lake Charles, LA > > > > On 6/18/01, JUDY DOYLE wrote: >> When we discovered we were living on top of stolen land >> that was used as a hazardous waste site, we posted >> statements on the front of our house such as, "CAUTION! >> WARNING! MCCLELLAN BURIED THEIR HAZARDOUS WASTE HERE." A >> couple of neighbors who wanted to sell their illegal, toxic >> sites without disclosure so they conspired with the county >> of Sacramento, California to paint over our FREE SPEECH. >> The county secured an inspection warrant using health and >> safety codes to come onto the property and paint over our >> free speech. When a Veterans advocate came on the crime >> scene, she was arrested for asking a cop if he knew what >> the Constitution was. The Veterans advocate is in trial >> this week for saying that nasty word in public. The >> Washington Times exposed this crime against our free speech >> in a June 11, 2001 article titled "Woman on trial for >> talking to cop". I will be testifying at her trial. I >> will keep you updated if you would like to know the outcome >> of her trial. Since this happened in California, she will >> probably end up going to jail. >>>> Defacto government, that's why they hate to hear the word constitution. A defacto government is one who maintains itself by a display of force against the will of the rightful legal government & is sucessful, at least temporayily, in overturning the institutions of the rightful legal government by setting up its own in lieu thereof. (such as police power) Ever notice that the flags in out courtrooms have the yellow fringe now ? The police have yellow boarder around the flag they wear on their uniforms ? The Law of the Flag says that means it is a military court. Yet these courts call these frivolious lawsuits ! Why, they don't want to hear or let the public know what they r doing to our country. Government defacto is one whom is actual possession of the office or supreme power, but by usurpation or without lAWFUL TITLE. You hear? WITHOUT LAWFUL TITLE ! THEY R GETTING AWAY WITH THIS because they have brainless police power. Now dejure government, which is our constitutions, which means rightful, legitimate, just or constitutional. The government today is trying to overturn our constitutions so they can take over. Run everything by stautes & codes which really r unlawful. But people just don't understand & when they do try to defend our constitutions these defacto government go after them, arrest them for conspiring against them. The same goes for the defacto courts who are trying to get the Ten Commandments out of the courts. Really, these r our 1st laws of mankind, whom founded laws. Real laws, not by force. We must protect our constitutions or the future will be ruled by tyrants & our children & children's children will have to live in fear of our government, which has already begun to happen. Without our constitutions to protect us this will the worse county to live in. God Bless us all and may he be the last one to judge those whom did not abide to the 1st laws of mankind !
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Re: IT'S AGAINST THE LAW TO SAY 'CONSTITUTION', 7/11/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
- Re: IT'S AGAINST THE LAW TO SAY 'CONSTITUTION', 2/19/04, by budman9898.