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    Re: Confidential Letter Given To The Employer

    Posted by cbg on 10/16/01

    On 10/16/01, ken wrote:
    > On 10/16/01, cbg wrote:
    >> On 10/15/01, Ken F. wrote:
    >>> I wrote a letter to the President of the Michigan Education
    >>> Association. This letter criticised the employer, the local
    >>> president and the corrupt relationship between union and
    >>> employer. I sent a copy of this letter to the same local
    >>> president and the MEA liason to the school district I work
    >>> in. It expected it to be put in our files. It was not
    >>> mailed to private residences, but only to an official union
    >>> office.
    >>> This letter ended up in the possesion of the employer.The
    >>> employer then claims I meant the letter to be seen by the
    >>> superintendent. I am fired for this act of "gross
    >>> insubordination". The local president has denied giving
    >>> this letter to the employer. In any case it was not meant
    >>> to be seen by the employer under any circumstances.
    >>> Is this a violation of my 1st amnendment rights? The
    >>> employer is saying that if an employee criticises them,
    >>> even through official union channels, that you are subject
    >>> to discipline. They are actually saying that filing a
    >>> grievance can be considered "insubordinate". This is much
    >>> to consider.
    >>> This is the question, there is "no more to it".
    >> No. You do not have a right to free speech in the work place.
    > It wasn't in the workplace. Shows how ignorant you are, you
    > obviously can't read.
    >>> Okay, fine. It was regarding an employer, sent to the union
    office, and your employment was terminated as a result, but it
    wasn't in the workplace. That's okay with me.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Confidential Letter Given To The Employer, 10/15/01, by Ken F..
  • Re: Confidential Letter Given To The Employer, 10/16/01, by cbg.
  • Re: Confidential Letter Given To The Employer, 10/16/01, by ken.
  • Re: Confidential Letter Given To The Employer, 10/16/01, by cbg.

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