Re: questions
Posted by Orion on 3/11/03
I've always considered "Hate Crime" charges to be First
Ammendment Violations.
In essense you are being charged for the crime of belief and
public revelation of that belief.
For example:
Individual A, a black man, kills his neighbor, a white man,
and is caught. The police ask him why he killed him, and he
says, "I don't know, just because." The police will charge
him with the crime of murder or manslaughter.
Then, Individual B, a white man, kills his neighbor, a black
man, and is caught. The police ask him why he killed him,
and he says, because I don't want a black man in my
neighborhood. The police will charge him with the crime of
murder or manslaughter, but in addition, they can charge hime
with a "hate crime" alledging the crime was racially
motivated. In essense, the Individual B committed the same
crime as Individual A, but his being charged with an
additional crime because of his belief system and his public
exclamation of that belief. If seems to me that is a
violation of the First Ammendment.
Good luck on your paper.
On 3/11/03, Erin wrote:
> Hello, I have to write a paper on the earliest and latest
> challenges of the First Admendment! Any help would be
> greatly appreciated!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- questions, 3/11/03, by Erin.
- Re: questions, 3/11/03, by Orion.