Re: GHWBush is a Traitor and War Criminal
Posted by Outraged and Incensed on 1/09/04
How can you say we are free when our consent must be contrived
with lies? Where in the Constitution does it anywhere give any
public official the right to lie to We the People? If our
government is not accountable to us, how can you call it a
democracy? If if it is not accountable to us, is it a
government of free people or of ruled subjects?
The State of the Union address is a constitutionally mandated
duty of the U.S. president. Swearing an oath of office, then
bearing false witness while executing the duties he swore to
perform, he foreswore his oath and violated the terms of his
office. Show me where it says he can do that in the
Constitution. Freedom of speech does not include the right to
lie under oath. Besides, our rights are not rights TO do
things but rights FROM having things done to us. The Bill of
Rights is a list of restrictions on government power. Or, it
was until Bush and Ashcroft repealed it with the
(un)Patriot(ic) Act.
Bush should be impeached, and since his crimes violate the
Constitution he was sworn to defend, he should be tried as a
traitor, as should all of his allies and accomplices. But
then, this Bush not not elected by the People but appointed by
the Juduciary.
In taking the oath presidents swear to defend the Constitution
(NOT national security, whatever that means) from all enemies
foriegn AND DOMESTIC. Today's GOP and religious fundmentalists
(the "Christian" right) are exactly what the founders of
democracy feared. These people want to impose a fuedal
theocracy and tax slavery on the world.
GHW Bush is a war criminal and an enemy of humanity, a planet
killer and an international tyrant (treaty breaker/ military
conqueror). It is obvious that the U.S. leadership has
contempt for democracy by their actions in the world. The U.S.
invaded Iraq for violating UN resolutions. The U.S. mocks the
UN when it does not rubber stamp its policies, or when it
attempts to censure racist Israel which has violated more
resolutions than Hussein's Iraq. But the U.S. has broken
numerous treaties under pResident Bush, treaties which
according to the Constitution are the supreme law of the land.
Republicans are law-and-order at their own convenience it appears.
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- Re: Did Bush Lie? Does it make any difference?, 12/06/03, by O. Henry, Atty..
- Re: GHWBush is a Traitor and War Criminal, 1/09/04, by Outraged and Incensed.
- Re: Did Bush Lie? Does it make any difference?, 1/28/04, by victor braatz.
- Re: Did Bush Lie? Does it make any difference?, 4/03/04, by Diego Cervantez.