Re: Did Bush Lie? Does it make any difference?
Posted by Donna Post,, on 11/05/03
Bush does have a responsibility to the American people to tell the truth. He sent men and women to Iraq completely based on false assumptions, even though he did have information to the contrary. Those weapons inspectors who would know, told Bush and the American people there was nothing there, the I.A.E.A said there was noting there. 6 months after Bush said mission accomplished, still no WMD'S. Bush can lie all he wants to other countries further erroding our status around the world, but HE MAY NOT LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Men and women have died for those lies. It is wrong, it is morally bankrupt, and the President of the United States should have the intestinal fortitude to TELL THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.
On 7/11/03, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. wrote: > > > Dear Counsel.Net Friends, > > It is not fair for the Democrats to accuse President Bush > of lying about weapons of mass destruction and about the > Iraqis' trying to buy nuclear bomb material in Africa. So > what! The President can lie if he wants to, especially > when it involves matters of national security. He does not > have to tell the enemy the truth. Don't you think that they > watch the State of the Union and all of that. What > difference does it make if he did tell a lie! I stand > behind him. > > Sincerely, > > Hardy Parkerson, Atty. > Lake Charles, LA >
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Did Bush Lie? Does it make any difference?, 7/11/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
- Re: Did Bush Lie? Does it make any difference?, 11/05/03, by Donna Post.
- Re: Did Bush Lie? Does it make any difference?, 12/06/03, by O. Henry, Atty..
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- Re: Did Bush Lie? Does it make any difference?, 1/28/04, by victor braatz.
- Re: Did Bush Lie? Does it make any difference?, 4/03/04, by Diego Cervantez.