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    Posted by Hardy Parkerson, Atty.,, on 12/06/03

    Dear Counsel.Net Friends,

    When Jim Brown, the most honest statesman in America,
    was in Federal prison lately, he wrote me that of 7,000
    appeals made to the U.S. Supreme Court each year, only 79
    are accepted. That's a scandal! We need a new Constition
    in the U.S.! A constitution that is over 200 years old
    will not suffice for this age of interplanetary space
    travel, computer- and biotechnology and D.N.A. testing.
    While science has made great progress, the U.S. Legal and
    Judicial Systems still plods along with writs and legal
    procedures written over a thousand years ago. Something
    must be done! We cannot wait for the evolutionary process
    to take place! Drastic and radical action must be taken
    now! We must begin to plan our political and other actions
    to bring about the adoption of a new Constition in the
    U.S. Under our present one we are becoming a Nazi-type
    police state and the foreigners are taking over. We
    cannot continue to let this happen! We must fight our
    fights on our own soil, on our own territory. We cannot
    be policeman of the whole world. Let the Muslims worry
    about the Muslims. America has no busines fighting a war
    over in Iraq. Let the Iraquis decide who they want for
    their leaders; and if they can't do it democratically, let
    them fight it out in their own civil war. We did! While
    thousands have no place to live, no food to eat nor
    adequate medical attention, billions of our hard-earned
    tax-dollars are spent fighting a war in Iraq that has no
    end, that can't be won. We must act now! What do you
    thing about this?


    Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
    Lake Charles, LA

    cc: Hon. Jim Brown
    Baton Rouge, LA

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  • WE NEED A NEW U.S. CONSTITUTION!, 12/06/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..

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