Re: The Bible versus porn
Posted by John on 10/14/05
Here are a few questions for: 'Better Cathholic than most of them I know', (your username is outrageously funny, as if being a catholic is so important) Please remember that JESUS is not of any religion, He is not Catholic, Protestant, Christian, Jehova Witness HE IS GOD God and religion are TWO diferent subjects Do you still believe that Virgen Mary is more important than Jesus Christ? The reason I am asking is because you Caths always pray to Mary and forget the Jesus is the way the truth and the life (English) Jesus le chemin, le verite, et la vie (French) JesuCristo es el camino, la verdad y la vida (spanish) Do you still believe that The Pope is 'His Holiness'? he he Do you still pray to statues of dead saints invented by men? ...I think this will keep you busy and not think that you are a better Cath than most of 'them' In His love John On 10/06/04, Better Catholic than most of them I know. wrote: > > > > Sex is sin. That is why we are all born into original sin. The > Bible says the sins of the fathers are visited on the children > (product of the sin) for generations. If it feels good,it's a > sin. > > Better Cathholic than most of them I know. > > > > On 10/05/04, Brandon wrote: >> On 8/09/04, Anonymous wrote: >>> "Why is it a republican thing to defend the Bible and >>> outlaw porn; yet the democrats defend porn and hate the >>> Bible?? >>> >>> God "invented" sex and therefore anything we can enjoy >>> about sex is a gift from God, (short of kiddie porn, >>> beastality, rape). " >>> >>> Isn't it amazing that if a Republican/Christian mentions >>> porn or nudity, they are automatically condemned? I think >>> it is amazing that no one considers the fact that the Bible >>> never condemns nudity. Shoot, there was one prophet in the >>> Old Testament that was nude for 3 years straight, making a >>> prophetical point. This is somehow OK, because its in the >>> Bible, but if someone today walked around naked for 3 years, >>> he would be considered in league with Satan. >>> >>> Just an observation.. >>> >>> He also has a point about Democrats always being anti- >>> Christian in their actions. You never see anyone who >>> actually is a true individual anymore. Virtually everyone >>> seems to fall into some group sooner or later, whether or >>> not they are correct. Like lemmings. >> >> Hey! Nice to hear from ya. You are completely correct that > the >> Bible never mentions anything against nudity. But in fact it >> emphatically opposes sexual imorality. It's everywhere in the >> Bible. Check out Romans, for one. Anyway, the thing about > porn >> is this: when we view porn, we tend to has lusty thoughts >> associated with it. Herein lies the problem. Lust clearly >> exemplifies sexual imorality; hence, it is advised that we >> lustful, sexual humans stay away from porn. >> As a side note. If some person could look at porn and truly >> have no lustful feelings or desirous feelings, then it would be >> okay. This person would be looking at the porn like looking at >> any other picture or painting. >> Just keep in mind. When in doubt, consult the Bible and >> conusult God himself. Remeber the power of prayer. >> Thanks for the awesome question. Fly with Christ.
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- Re: The Bible versus porn, 10/14/05, by John.
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