Re: Restoring my 2nd amendment after non violent felony
Posted by Paul T. Ferris on 11/26/05
Provided you have no convictions for ANY criminal offense
(traffic or non traffic) in the past 5 years and no charges
currently pending, you are likely eligible to petition for
restoration of your firearm rights.
You can handle the matter by yourself, but you must know what
you are doing to ensure that you do not jeopardize your
chances of prevailing. Many people handle the process on
their own. You can check with the clerk's office in the
county where you reside for forms and instructions. Be
advised that many counties use outdated forms that require
you to do more than is necessary. Some counties use forms
entitled Certificate of Rehabilitation; however, based upon
recent appellate decisions, superior courts can no longer
grant petitions for a Certificate of Rehabiliation.
Althought expungement, i.e. total destruction of the recors
fo the conviction, would remove your firearm disability,
there is no statutory authority for expungment of conviction
records in Washington State. Your only remedies for
regaining the right to possess firearms are a petition in
superior court and a governor's pardon.
You can review additional information here:
Summary of WA Law on Restoration of Firearm Rights