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    Post: Missouri hand gun permit and or ccw

    Posted by Marty on 7/06/06

    The ex set me up and I was arrested for Domestic violence
    she did this after I became disabled and had given her all
    my money and in Idaho if she had not she would have had to
    paid me alimony and let me have my kids. I also pleaded
    guilty (was not told the truth by the p.d. by the way on
    this as I thought it was to simple battery) this was not a
    felony but a misdemeanor. This happened in 2002. I was
    also found guilty of breaking a restraining order two
    times. (this was for calling my kids but again ex turned
    things around as she has not wanted me to have any thing
    to do with the kids and still will not to this day) . side
    point if you love your family stay out of Idaho were a
    woman’s word is all they need to arrest you with out any
    proof. Sad to say) so after 5 years could I own a handgun
    in Missouri or even get a ccw there. I am looking to move
    there for good in a few years and it would be after 6
    years have gone by also. In Idaho I was a gun collector
    and smith also had a ccw there.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Missouri hand gun permit and or ccw, 7/06/06, by Marty.
  • Re: Missouri hand gun permit and or ccw, 7/07/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: Missouri hand gun permit and or ccw, 7/07/06, by Marty.

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