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    Re: Missouri hand gun permit and or ccw

    Posted by M'sta Mikey on 7/07/06

    On 7/06/06, Marty wrote:
    > The ex set me up and I was arrested for Domestic violence
    > she did this after I became disabled and had given her all
    > my money and in Idaho if she had not she would have had to
    > paid me alimony and let me have my kids. I also pleaded
    > guilty (was not told the truth by the p.d. by the way on
    > this as I thought it was to simple battery) this was not a
    > felony but a misdemeanor. This happened in 2002. I was
    > also found guilty of breaking a restraining order two
    > times. (this was for calling my kids but again ex turned
    > things around as she has not wanted me to have any thing
    > to do with the kids and still will not to this day) . side
    > point if you love your family stay out of Idaho were a
    > woman’s word is all they need to arrest you with out any
    > proof. Sad to say) so after 5 years could I own a handgun
    > in Missouri or even get a ccw there. I am looking to move
    > there for good in a few years and it would be after 6
    > years have gone by also. In Idaho I was a gun collector
    > and smith also had a ccw there.

    Not sure about Missouri but in Michigan, being convicted or
    pleading guilty to a charge of Domestic Violence
    (misdemeanor) prevents you from owning a handgun or
    obtaining a purchase permit, or a CPL, for a period of 8
    years from the time of conviction/plea.

    Google "Missouri + CPL Requirements" for specifics to that

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Missouri hand gun permit and or ccw, 7/06/06, by Marty.
  • Re: Missouri hand gun permit and or ccw, 7/07/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: Missouri hand gun permit and or ccw, 7/07/06, by Marty.

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