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    Re: Missouri hand gun permit and or ccw

    Posted by Marty on 7/07/06

    Thanks as If I read things right in Missouri it is 5 years. I
    know to try for expunge in Idaho it is also a 5 year wait and
    ether way I do plan to try and get it expunged as this is some
    thing that should never have been to begin with . See I also
    have had my life treated buy the husband of a woman who I gave
    protection to. He did make an attempt on my life with my son
    in the truck and so I got a CCW in Idaho. this is the second
    time some thing like that happened in my life, years earlier I
    did the same for another woman when I saw he and the kids
    being attacked from a man as they sat in there car with him
    smashing windows . it has been some thing I never could stand
    to see and every one that knows me including my own kids also
    say that I did not do it and nor is that me . But the ex kept
    the kids out of court and the judge refused to talk to them
    because in Idaho if under 18 they have no say. Son was 16 at
    the time and daughter was 12 old enof to tell the truth and
    that she was scared of as then her plans would be destroyed.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Missouri hand gun permit and or ccw, 7/06/06, by Marty.
  • Re: Missouri hand gun permit and or ccw, 7/07/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: Missouri hand gun permit and or ccw, 7/07/06, by Marty.

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