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    Post: cops took my guns

    Posted by don on 11/15/06

    my sister was storing my guns and she got busted. guns were
    all in cases in closets. When they kicked in her door they
    said "where's all your guns". They knew they did not belong
    to her the second they said that and had my FFL in hand in
    five minute. Long story short, they took my guns and
    according to Utah state law they are required to notify me
    in writing within 30 days of the seizure an itemized list
    of property taken and instructing me on proper procedure to
    get my property back. They have done nothing. I spoke to an
    officer about a gun they thought was stolen and we took
    care of that issue, but all they tell me now is I can have
    my guns back once I prove ownership. Some guns came from
    parents and grandparents, who has records that old, also
    they know the family home home burnt with all records. They
    have run all guns know who they belong to,why do I have to
    or should I have to provide paperwork to get back what is
    mine and they know it's mine. Legally they have not
    followed Utah Initiative B for forfiture laws. How can I go
    pick up my guns? If anyone can help or point me to where I
    need to go it would be appreciated. Just a note note the
    case with my sister is being dismissed because of misc.
    problems, dirty cops cops who love guns, false info to
    obtain warrant, the list goes on. Any comments will be

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • cops took my guns, 11/15/06, by don.

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