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    Re: Denied Illinois FOID card

    Posted by Net on 7/17/08

    I agree with this below.

    On 7/12/08, Steven P wrote:
    > I agree 100&37; with the definitions of the law. What I do not agree with is the
    > ability to remove or revoke a FOID for "any reason we want", which is what was
    > to me. People all around us have mental disorders, from the person who has a short
    > to the person who would rather stay at home and work in the garden. There are so many
    > disorders, that if you get marriage counsellings, then you have a disorder. You cant
    > get along with others and play well. So, we are going to jerk your FOID for 5 years
    > even then you have to prove you are not mentally incapacitated. I would rather go
    > hunting with a person on medication for PTSD, or Bi-Polar disorder, than one who is not
    > being treated. The treated person is less likely to "go off" than the non-treated one.
    > At least this new law does offer relief from these types of incidents. They can no
    > longer use a medical report, information discussed between Doctors and cops, yes it is
    > not suppose to happen, but it does. And the bottom line is, if you don't have the
    > funds, then you probably wont find a pro bono to help you out in many cases. Christmas
    > time is a very hard time mentally for many people who own guns. Let them get help if
    > they feel the need and keep it off the official police records. It is none of thier
    > business. Unless a Psychiatrist notifies the Police of a danger and threat, there
    > be no intervention. How many people have said "I would just like to kill him/her"
    or "I
    > feel so bad about work today, I wish someone would just shoot me and put me out of my
    > misery."? These things get said out of anger, short term anger or call it exasperation
    > as an exclamation of frustration and not with any malice or intent. And a regular
    > Physician is not in the capacity to determine if you are mentally sound
    or "adjudicated."
    > However, in all this, you are fighting a corrupt system, yes it is corrupt, when
    > who is PTSD and ADHD, wired and hostile, can get a FOID almost overnight as his father
    > is a Cop. It is pure B.S. when someone has had his FOID pulled because a Cop said he
    > was admitted to a hospital because he was suicidal. When did Hired Security Officers
    > become Doctors with the knowledge to determine the mental capacity of an individual?
    > Then the poor guy has to fight, almost alone (where is the NRA in all this) and the
    > chances of getting a FOID is very small no matter how many experts testify or
    > affidavit's there are to say the guy is ok. It is a lost cause as the State Gun System
    > is broke, poorly funded and criminal at best.
    > The NRA-ILA needs to step up to the plate on this one and force the State of Illinois
    > amend the way it does business. I think that this is a bigger battle than the fight to
    > get one or two towns above the 80 line to give the citizens their right back that they
    > never lost. President Bush signed HR 2640 into law in January 2008. The law gave 120
    > days to have a program in place. NOTE: It also "earmarks 3 to 10 percent of federal
    > implementation grants for use in operating State "relief from disabilities" programs."
    > This is the law that the State of Illinois is going to have to comply with and if the
    > battle is not brought to their doorstep, they will work around this law and people that
    > are normal, hard working and have a "disorder" are never going to get to use their
    > weapons, buy a round, or have the pleasure of teaching their kids or grandkids legally.
    > I am ready to get my FOID back. Anyone what to go do battle?
    > On 7/12/08, nope wrote:
    >> In order to promote and protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, it is
    >> necessary and in the public interest to provide a system of identifying persons who
    >> are not qualified to acquire or possess firearms, firearm ammunition, stun guns, and
    >> tasers within the State of Illinois by the establishment of a system of Firearm
    >> Owner's Identification Cards, thereby establishing a practical and workable system by
    >> which law enforcement authorities will be afforded an opportunity to identify those
    >> persons who are prohibited by Section 24‑3.1 of the "Criminal Code of 1961", as
    >> amended, from acquiring or possessing firearms and firearm ammunition and who are
    >> prohibited by this Act from acquiring stun guns and tasers.
    >> Being adjudicated as a mental defective" means the person is the subject of a
    >> determination by a court, board, commission or other lawful authority that a person,
    >> as a result of marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, mental impairment,
    >> incompetency, condition, or disease:
    >> (1) is a danger to himself, herself, or to others;
    >> (2) lacks the mental capacity to manage his or her
    >> own affairs;
    >> (3) is not guilty in a criminal case by reason of
    >> insanity, mental disease or defect;
    >> (4) is incompetent to stand trial in a criminal case;
    >> (5) is not guilty by reason of lack of mental
    >> responsibility pursuant to Articles 50a and 72b of the Uniform Code of Military
    >> Justice, 10 U.S.C. 850a, 876b.
    >> "Counterfeit" means to copy or imitate, without legal authority, with intent to
    >> deceive.
    >> On 7/11/08, by paul a. to steven pitts wrote:
    >>> It can hardly be any surprise that anti-gun House members worked to sneak this bill
    >>> through before anyone was aware that it was going to be considered. The
    >>> negotiations have left legislation which is WORSE THAN THE ORGINAL McCARTHY BILL.
    >>> The worst aspect is, in section 3(2), that it STATUTORILY FREEZES IN regulations at
    >>> 27 CFR 478.11 which would make you a "prohibited person" if:
    >>> * You were found by any "lawful authority" (including a IDEA school therapist, a
    >>> Medicare psychologist, or a VA doctor to:
    >>> 1. Represent even a minimal suicide risk;
    >>> 2. Represent even a minimal playground risk to other students; or
    >>> 3. Be incapable of managing your own affairs; or
    >>> * Were referred by such "lawful authority" to a psychiatrist or psychologist to be
    >>> evaluated in connection with child custody proceedings or other contexts in which
    >>> professional assessment is ordered.
    >>> This means that a future hypothetical pro-gun administration would be powerless to
    >>> change the regulations so that they did not apply to:
    >>> -- Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder;
    >>> -- Kids put on Ritalin in connection with the IDEA program;
    >>> -- Seniors diagnosed with Alzheimer's in connection with Medicare's home health
    >>> care assistance; or
    >>> -- Seniors (perhaps with a gun collection accumulated over a lifetime) who continue
    >>> to live in their homes, but are put under guardianship by their adult children.
    >>> In the pretense of doing gun owners some huge favor, the bill explicitly
    >>> recognizes, in section 101(c)(1)(C), that a psychiatrist's finding is sufficient to
    >>> make you a prohibited person, so long as that finding is based on one of the three
    >>> criteria listed above. And, incidentally, when a kid is put on Ritalin, mom is
    >>> diagnosed with Alzheimer's, a vet is found to have post-traumatic stress disorder,
    >>> or gramps is put under a guardianship, it is ALMOST ALWAYS based, in whole or in
    >>> part, on one of those three factors.
    >>> The bill, in section 101(c)(2)(A) and section 105, also requires federal agencies
    >>> like the Department of Veterans Affairs and states to set up procedures for
    >>> prohibited persons with "mental disabilities" to "clear their names." There are at
    >>> least four problems with this:
    >>> 1. First, prior to this bill, vets suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder
    >>> were arguably not required to "clear their names." Ditto, seniors with Alzheimer's
    >>> kids on Ritalin, etc. By statutorily codifying 27 CFR 478.11, this bill, for the
    >>> first time, makes it statutorily mandated that these persons ARE and SHOULD BE
    >>> prohibited persons under 18 USC 922 (d) & (g). So the bill makes it absolutely
    >>> clear that vets, seniors, and adults who were problem kids are statutorily
    >>> prohibited from owning guns (for life), and then graciously opens the possibility
    >>> that they may apply for relief, in accordance with unspecified standards based
    >>> wholly on the discretion of the government.
    >>> 2. Second, there already is a procedure for persons to "clear their names." It was
    >>> created by McClure-Volkmer and is contained at 18 USC 925(c). The problem is that,
    >>> for many years, Congress, on appropriations bills, has barred anyone from using
    >>> this procedure. So, having blocked procedures allowing people to "clear their
    >>> names," the House is now creating redundant procedures to do the same thing. And
    >>> they expect us to trust them?
    >>> 3. Third, the bill states that "[r]elief and judicial review shall be available
    >>> according to the standards prescribed in section 925(c) of title 18, United States
    >>> Code." But, since Congress has blocked the implementation of section 925(c), there
    >>> is at least a question of whether this new, redundant procedure would not be
    >>> similarly automatically blocked, at least at the federal level.
    >>> 4. Fourth, there is also a procedure for "clearing one's name" in subsection (g) of
    >>> the Statues-at-Large portion of the Brady Law, when the name is erroneously
    >>> submitted to NICS. The problem is that persons seeking to invoke this procedure to
    >>> establish that they were incorrectly classified are routinely sent a form letter
    >>> denying relief.
    >>> Ironically, a particularly dangerous person who is actually held in a mental
    >>> institution may be able to obtain relief after he is "released or discharged,"
    >>> pursuant to section 101(c)(1)(A). But a person who is found to be suffered from
    >>> post-traumatic stress disorder, childhood behavioral problems, or Alzheimer's --
    >>> and who is not held anywhere (or subjected to anything) from which they can
    >>> be "released or discharged" -- could never take advantage of a provision which is
    >>> available to the criminally insane. And even this limited provision applies only to
    >>> federal agencies, and not states.
    >>> Incidentally, if Congress appropriates NOTHING to implement this bill, the states
    >>> will still be required to comply with the unfunded mandates or risk loss of DOJ
    >>> funds under section 104.
    >>> All of this is on top of the usual concerns that the McCarthy bill would still
    >>> require the states to turn over 90&37; of all information which was "relevant" to
    >>> whether an individual was a prohibited person by reason of being "an unlawful user
    >>> of or addicted to" any controlled substance or a mental defective (as that term
    >>> will now be defined.).
    >>> Ironically, given the "tough enforcement" language being used to try to dislodge
    >>> the "amnesty" bill, the new draft excludes crackdowns on illegal aliens -- a
    >>> category which, more than any other, includes terrorists who have snuck into our
    >>> country. But the Attorney General, without a court order, can, at his or her
    >>> unilateral discretion, demand any information held by any state (or its agent)
    >>> which would be "relevant" in determining who fell into other categories, including
    >>> Medicare medical records, IDEA medical records, National guard medical records,
    >>> drug diversion records, records of drug charges not prosecuted, etc. And, unlike
    >>> the convicted serial killer, the unprosecuted marijuana smoker, veteran, or senior
    >>> would not be protected merely because his records were not available
    >>> electronically.
    >>> And, finally, having compiled, potentially, the biggest list of dangerous persons
    >>> in existence, the records could not be used to go after terrorists or other
    >>> criminals.
    >>> SUMMARY: It was not the intention of 18 USC 922 (d) & (g) to make veterans,
    >>> seniors, and misbehaved kids "prohibited persons" with an FBI dossier. Any
    >>> provision in 27 CFR 478.11 to the contrary is just plain wrong, and should be
    >>> changed. To freeze these regulations into statutory law is simply evil.
    >>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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    >>> On 7/11/08, Steven Pitts wrote:
    >>>> However, you all seem to be overlooking the law signed by the President HR 2640.
    >>>> the NICS Improvement Amendments Act. This ties hand in had with the possession of
    >>>> a gun, rifle, etc. of persons that have had a "Mental Illness" stigma attached to
    >>>> their name. According to the law, Federal Agencies must provide "relief from
    >>>> disabilities", removal of erroneous records, prevents the use of "Adjudications"
    >>>> when only medical diagnoses without findings that the people involved are
    >>>> dangerous or mentally incompetent." This means that the use of only purely
    >>>> medical records or even the report of suspected medical treatments cannot be used
    >>>> by NICS to deny the use or purchase of firearms. There are many more items of
    >>>> interest such as the purging of outdated records, allows the awarding of attorneys
    >>>> fees to applicants who successfully challenge a Federal Agency's denial for relief
    >>>> in Court.
    >>>> Ok, so it seems this is all directed at the Federal level. However wait. In
    >>>> order for a State to have their own programs and run them at a State level, i.e.
    >>>> Safety, Environmental, Gun Control, the State is mandated to follow the minimum of
    >>>> the Federal law requiements. They can be stricter, such as making you have a
    >>>> locking gun case for transportation, however they must follow the Federal Laws
    >>>> first.
    >>>> So I am anxious for some of the Lawyerly types to take a review of this law and
    >>>> take it into the Illinois State Courts in a lawsuit. With the NRA going after
    >>>> Chicago, now would be a good time to bring this out.
    >>>> Regards,,
    >>>> On 7/07/08, friend of NRA wrote:
    >>>>> On 7/07/08, Greg Holz wrote:
    >>>>>> You may want to retract this statement after the Supreme Court's recent 2nd
    >>>>>> Amendment ruling! The Second Amendment not only applies to states but more
    >>>>>> importantly to an individuals right to keep and bear arms. It is very much
    >>>>>> about state gun control.
    >>>>> No need for a retraction. What I wrote was the law at the time I wrote it. In
    >>>>> DC v. Heller the Supreme Court for the first time ever ruled that the 2nd
    >>>>> Amendment is an individual right. So that is now the law.
    >>>>> However, DC v. Heller does not say that everyone can now own a gun or that
    >>>>> states may not reasonably place restrictions on gun ownership. FOID cards seem
    >>>>> to be well within the limits of the DC v. Heller decision. Don't expect for
    >>>>> FOID regulations to fall in a court challenge. Maybe the Chicago gun ban but
    >>>>> not FOID. We'll just have to wait and see how far DC v. Heller goes in
    >>>>> bringing down gun control laws.
    >>>>> In any event, if you have a psyc or criminal history, the Supreme Court made it
    >>>>> clear in their opinion that you will not own a gun.
    >>>>>> On 9/28/07, friend of NRA wrote:
    >>>>>>>> On 9/28/07, DILLER wrote in part:
    >>>>>>>> Foid cards in my opinion violate the United States Constitution. You
    >>>>>>>> have a right to bare arms and shall not be infringed; it says nothing
    >>>>>>>> about firearm identification cards, or any other requirement. Stop them
    >>>>>>>> from dismantling the Constitution.
    >>>>>>> The applicability of the Second Amendment is often misunderstood. Its
    >>>>>>> guarantee applies only to the federal government not to state government.
    >>>>>>> Over the years, much of the US Constitution has been made applicable to
    >>>>>>> the states by the terms of the 14th Amendment, but still, only certain
    >>>>>>> parts of it apply to states and the 2nd Amendment is one part that does
    >>>>>>> not apply to states. For example, the 5th Amendment is now applicable to
    >>>>>>> the states except for the part where it says "No person shall be held to
    >>>>>>> answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment
    >>>>>>> or indictment of a Grand Jury[.]" That part does not apply to the
    >>>>>>> states. The 5th Amendment has been applied to states piece by piece over
    >>>>>>> the last 150 years. Believe it or not, it was not until 1969 that the
    >>>>>>> double jeopardy clause of the 5th Amendment was applied to state trials by
    >>>>>>> the decision in Benton v. Maryland, 395 U.S. 784, and the self-
    >>>>>>> incrimination clause did not apply to state trials until the early
    >>>>>>> twentieth century. Likewise, the first sentence of the 7th Amendment
    >>>>>>> says "In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed
    >>>>>>> twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved[.]" That
    >>>>>>> does not apply to states. As I said above; none of the 2nd Amendment
    >>>>>>> applies to states. Don't confuse your federal US constitutional rights
    >>>>>>> with your rights under state law regarding firearms.
    >>>>>>> I make no judgment about your opinion on gun control but want to point out
    >>>>>>> that the US Constitution does not forbid any type of gun control by the
    >>>>>>> states, thus, the Illinois FOID card can not be a violation of the 2nd
    >>>>>>> Amendment. The framers of the Constitution were concerned that the
    >>>>>>> federal government not take away the right to bear arms from the citizen
    >>>>>>> militias created by the states. They were not at all concerned at the
    >>>>>>> time the 2nd Amendment was written about state gun control. It is
    >>>>>>> unlikely that the Supreme Court will ever hold that the 2nd Amendment
    >>>>>>> applies to states.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Denied Illinois FOID card, 11/17/06, by Denied A Gun.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 11/18/06, by Res Ispa Loquitur.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 5/31/07, by Joe.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 6/13/07, by NRA MAN.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 6/22/07, by lj.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 6/22/07, by lj.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/02/07, by Guy.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/04/07, by Ron.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/04/07, by Ron.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/04/07, by Ron.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/06/07, by Jack.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/06/07, by Lisa.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/06/07, by Lisa.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/09/07, by Ron.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/09/07, by Ron.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/12/07, by Ron.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/12/07, by Ron.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/12/07, by Ron.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/19/07, by Aaron Berger.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 8/22/07, by Hogan.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 8/22/07, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 8/22/07, by JR.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 8/23/07, by PA.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 8/23/07, by PA One other thing.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 8/27/07, by Jack.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 8/27/07, by Jack.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 9/06/07, by Tim.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 9/26/07, by Hogan.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 9/28/07, by DILLER.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 9/28/07, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 9/28/07, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 9/28/07, by friend of NRA.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 9/29/07, by Tracy.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card Oz, 9/29/07, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 9/29/07, by friend of NRA.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/01/07, by Tracy.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/01/07, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/01/07, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/01/07, by Tracy.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/01/07, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/01/07, by friend of NRA.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/01/07, by one last thought.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/01/07, by Diller.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/01/07, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card OZ, 10/01/07, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/02/07, by Treat with Respect.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/02/07, by Razzle.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/05/07, by v.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/05/07, by v.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/05/07, by who cares.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/05/07, by v.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/25/07, by butwhat.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/25/07, by butwhat.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/30/07, by Hawk.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/30/07, by -.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 11/28/07, by Trying to Help.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 12/17/07, by Pac 57.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/09/08, by Hogan 21.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/09/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/12/08, by FOID CARD.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/14/08, by Guns.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/14/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/14/08, by v.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/15/08, by Guns.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/15/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/15/08, by v.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/15/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/15/08, by v.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/16/08, by Guns.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/16/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/16/08, by Captain America.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/16/08, by v.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/16/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/16/08, by Res Ipsa Loquitur.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 1/17/08, by v.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/21/08, by RIGHT TO ARMS.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/21/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/22/08, by NIU.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/26/08, by SECTION 22. RIGHT TO ARMS.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/26/08, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/26/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/27/08, by Guns.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/27/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/27/08, by Guns.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/27/08, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/27/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/28/08, by guns.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/28/08, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/28/08, by guns.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/28/08, by Guns 2.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/28/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/28/08, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: The Constitution -- love it or change it, 2/28/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/28/08, by Guns.
  • Re: The Constitution -- love it or change it, 2/28/08, by guns.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/28/08, by Guns.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/28/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/29/08, by Guns.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/29/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 3/01/08, by Illinois.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 3/01/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 3/12/08, by ILLINOIS.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 3/12/08, by ILLINOIS.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 3/13/08, by ASTRO.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 3/14/08, by ILLINOIS.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 3/15/08, by dser.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 3/17/08, by lrw.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 3/17/08, by Kent.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 3/18/08, by FOID.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 3/19/08, by Concerned.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 4/01/08, by Rudy.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 4/02/08, by Lisa .
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 4/02/08, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 4/02/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 4/19/08, by Lisa has a point.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 5/18/08, by Larry .
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 5/25/08, by Happy.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 6/27/08, by FOID SYSTEM IS UN-CONSTITUTIONAL .
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 6/27/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 6/28/08, by FOID SYSTEM IS UN-CONSTITUTIONAL .
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 6/28/08, by Jacky.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 6/28/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 6/28/08, by FOID SYSTEM IS UN-CONSTITUTIONAL . .
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 6/28/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 6/29/08, by FOID SYSTEM IS UN-CONSTITUTIONAL .
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 6/29/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/07/08, by DILLER.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/07/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/07/08, by Greg Holz.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/07/08, by friend of NRA.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/07/08, by paula.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/07/08, by paul a..
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/08/08, by Terrence not Terence.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/09/08, by Jerome Brown.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/09/08, by Jerome Brown.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/11/08, by Steven Pitts.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/11/08, by by paul a. to steven pitts.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/12/08, by nope.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/12/08, by DILLER.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/12/08, by Steven P.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/13/08, by Solo.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/13/08, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/14/08, by Solo.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 7/17/08, by Net.
  • Re: likely to be unrightously Denied Illinois FOID card, 10/27/08, by J.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/04/09, by Take Them to Court now.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/04/09, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/04/09, by FACTS AND THE LAW.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/04/09, by --.
  • Re: ALU School of Law NOT to Recieve DETC Accreditation NOW, 2/04/09, by NO DETC for ALU , NOT NOW - MAYBE LATER ?.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/04/09, by FACTS AND THE LAW.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/04/09, by FACTS AND THE LAW.
  • Re: ALU School of Law NOT to Recieve DETC Accreditation NOW, 2/04/09, by ALU and CA Southern JUne 2009 accredition.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/04/09, by --.
  • Re: ALU School of Law NOT to Recieve DETC Accreditation NOW, 2/04/09, by Wait for DETC Before Enrolling at ALU.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/04/09, by WSCL no good.
  • Re: WCSL, 2/04/09, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/05/09, by Facts AND THE LAW.
  • Re: ALU School of Law - Forget About DETC Accreditation, 2/05/09, by Ultra Expensive -Please Lower Tuition.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/05/09, by --.
  • Re: ALU School of Law - DETC Accreditation, 2/05/09, by ALU..........wish them well.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/05/09, by Facts AND THE LAW .
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/05/09, by TGA thank god already.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/05/09, by Facts AND THE LAW .
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card for stupidity, 2/05/09, by Lawyer.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 2/05/09, by --.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 6/16/09, by Retired Lawyer cs..
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 9/21/09, by Randy.
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 5/21/10, by corey s..
  • Re: Denied Illinois FOID card, 5/21/10, by corey s..

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