Re: Non-Violent Felony Charge Restoration of Rights Missouri
Posted by Terry on 12/29/08
On 8/16/07, Larry wrote:
> Please read the opinion of the Missouri Supreme Court in
> Guastello v. Department of Liquor Control 536 S.W.2d 21, 25 (Mo.
> Banc 1976), as well as the information contained on the BATF
> website and that of the Missouri Board of Probation and Parole.
> Also refer to the 1987 Firearms Owners Protection Act.
I've been reading some other web sites and found one quoting
Colorado law in which restoration of full civil rights is
automatically granted upon completion of sentence in certain non-
violent felony convictions. This restoration, under the Colorado
constitution, supercedes Federal firearms law and does allow
purchase and possession of a firearm -- unless specifically
restricted in the 'restoration' statement.
I was convicted of a non-violent felony in Missouri in 1978 and
upon completion of probation my release statement specifically
included the granting of "restoration of full civil rights". There
were no restrictions applied.
Does this same state constitutional loophole apply to Missouri law?