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    Re: Non-Violent Felony Charge Restoration of Rights Missouri

    Posted by Larry on 8/16/07

    Please read the opinion of the Missouri Supreme Court in
    Guastello v. Department of Liquor Control 536 S.W.2d 21, 25 (Mo.
    Banc 1976), as well as the information contained on the BATF
    website and that of the Missouri Board of Probation and Parole.
    Also refer to the 1987 Firearms Owners Protection Act. Prior to
    the 1987 FOP, a pardon did not restore your rights to possess a
    firearm absent a "Relief From Disabilities", now known
    as "Restoration of Firearms and Explosives Priveleges" unless it
    specifically stated so. That requirement changed with the FOP
    and now the pardon must state it does NOT restore those rights.
    Prior to my retirement from the Missouri Board of Probation and
    Parole, I conducted many "Applications for Executive Clemency".
    While such pardons are not routinely granted, some are and those
    who received them were able to purchase and possess firearms.
    Please do not take my word alone for it, do some research,
    contact an attorney or your local BATF Office. Also, I do not
    speak in anyway for the Missouri Board of Probation and Parole,
    my opinion is my own.

    On 8/15/07, anon wrote:
    > On 8/14/07, annon. wrote:
    >> On 8/13/07, Mark Keasler wrote:
    >>> I previously owned a business in Missouri that was not
    >>> successfull. The downfall of my business caused NSF
    >>> checks. I was charged with felony charges for these
    >>> checks. I now can't take my son and daughter hunting,
    >>> which is a major part of our lives. It is bizzare to me
    >>> that a bad business mistake can ultimately decide the fate
    >>> of your life. I was given probation only, but an SES
    >>> rather than an SIS, which I understand would have
    >>> eventually dropped off my record.
    >>> Thanks for any help.
    >> If you were convicted of a state or federal felony, there
    >> are two ways to restore your right to own a firearm:
    >> (1) If the conviction is vacated, overturned or dismissed by
    >> a court of competent jurisdiction or otherwise rendered a
    >> legal nullity.
    >> (2) You are granted an executive pardon that explicitly
    >> restores your right to own a firearm. A simple pardon won't
    >> do--it must state on the pardon that all civil rights
    >> including gun ownership have been restored.
    > Is the second option really an option? I've only seen a small
    amount of cases in
    > Missouri that ended up with any sort of pardon. Is there a
    petition that I'm not
    > aware of to expunge a record after a certain amount of time?
    > On another note, does the ATF not investigate the background
    of the person to
    > judge if they should have their right restored? On a non-
    violent crime, I would
    > think there are other clauses that would be able to restore
    your rights. With that in
    > mind, what is this regulation to restore rights, that is
    supposed to have changed in
    > 2004 on the federal level?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Non-Violent Felony Charge Restoration of Rights Missouri, 8/13/07, by Mark Keasler.
  • Re: Non-Violent Felony Charge Restoration of Rights Missouri, 8/14/07, by annon..
  • Re: Non-Violent Felony Charge Restoration of Rights Missouri, 8/15/07, by anon.
  • Re: Non-Violent Felony Charge Restoration of Rights Missouri, 8/15/07, by annon..
  • Re: Non-Violent Felony Charge Restoration of Rights Missouri, 8/15/07, by anon.
  • Re: Non-Violent Felony Charge Restoration of Rights Missouri, 8/16/07, by Larry.
  • Re: Non-Violent Felony Charge Restoration of Rights Missouri, 8/16/07, by c.c.
  • Re: Non-Violent Felony Charge Restoration of Rights Missouri, 12/29/08, by Terry.

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