Re: Expungement/ Pardon for Foster Parents
Posted by Res Ipsa Loquitur on 8/16/07
Get the pardon. Any "violent" charge will bar you now a days
from employement. It effectly puts the employer at high
liability that they Know of prior violent behavior. Knowledge
= liability. So if anything happens they will be nailed
because they Knew they were hiring a "dangerous violent
person". Get the pardon for the future as well as now.
Society is getting more and more intolerable or zero tolerance
with any crime. Soon if you had a parking ticket 20 years ago
society will be alarmed and shocked.
Here is another bit of information any one with a violent
record is on a FBI list. If there is any civil disturbance it
is these people that will be round up and "detained" because
they will not lie down and take orders from the gov. They have
showned they will fight.
Res Ipsa Loquitur
On 8/16/07, Khadejah wrote:
> SORRY, I'll post on a different page....not Gun control.
> On 8/16/07, KMT wrote:
>> I am applying to become a foster parent in Kansas. I have a
>> city ordinance violation 50-169(Simple assault)in the state
>> of Missouri that i plead guilty to. KDH&E says that I must
>> get it expunged in order to be licensed as a foster parent.
>> All the research I've done says that I can not get a
>> convection charge expunged. the only alternative I see is
>> trying to get the charged Pardoned, which says it will take
>> 18-24 months. Kansas laws for foster Parenting licensing
>> says that a family member can not have any felony or
>> misdemeanor assault and battery charges in Kansas, or any
>> like charges in any other states. can they deny me for a
>> city citation (simple assault) in another state? this was
>> not a Felony or misdemeanor, and if so what else can I do?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Expungement/ Pardon for Foster Parents, 8/16/07, by KMT.
- Re: Expungement/ Pardon for Foster Parents, 8/16/07, by Khadejah.
- Re: Expungement/ Pardon for Foster Parents, 8/16/07, by Res Ipsa Loquitur.