Re: get gun rights restored res ipsa
Posted by Prairie Dawg on 10/03/07
Sounds like domestic assault to me. If he's got a domestic assault conviction he is forever barred from firearm ownership under federal law. On 9/15/07, Res Ipsa Loquiutur wrote: > Simple asault is only a misdemeanour. Felonies get gun rights > taken away. What state are you in? Expunge the record is the > best thing to do. I have never heard of waiting 5 years or > federal offence of "simple assault" takes 2nd amendement > rights away. > > Res Ipsa Loquiutur > > On 9/07/07, larry w. campbell wrote: >> On 8/25/07, j.manthey wrote: >>> My son was found guilty of simple assault, Kissing his >>> wife, sometime between July 1 and August 1 ,2000. His >>> attorney said do not appeal, it is just a Traffic Ticket. >>> Later he attempted to purchase and was eventually charged >>> with a misdemeanor, served community service, paid fines >>> and lost his rights to own a gun. He has faithfully >>> waited the five years that he was informed to wait and >>> then advised to approach the courts for restoration. >>> Another false information, now he is being told that it is >>> a federal law and he can never own a gun again. His >>> eleven year old son has waited to go hunting with his >>> father, planning on this deer season. It has been a long >>> standing family tradition that our Father's take their >>> sons hunting. Great Grandpa spent thirty years >>> volunteering by teaching gun safety classes. >>> >>> Our son has full custody of his son and the mother has >>> lost all rights and cannot contact or visit the son. She >>> is currently serving a sentence of 18 years suspened to >>> one year on various fraud "Lies" charges. Charged with 31 >>> and plead to 5. nolle processe the balance. >>> >>> Through out this whole ordeal our Son has managed to >>> maintain his top secret clearance for his government job. >>> >>> The security clearance people made statement "that even >>> Steven Spielberg could not make this up" Yet he is still >>> the victim of the system. Males are always guilty and >>> females the victims. >>> >>> PLEASE, someone help! Where do we begin? >>> >>> We also believe that he is not the only male victim and >>> would like to work toward a common goal of making the >>> justice system truly equal for all.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- get gun rights restored, 8/25/07, by j.manthey.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/07/07, by larry w. campbell.
- Re: Questions about West Coast School of Law, 9/08/07, by prospective student.
- Re: Questions about West Coast School of Law, 9/10/07, by 123.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/15/07, by Res Ipsa Loquiutur.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by j. Manthey.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Curmudgeon.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by J. Manthey.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by J.Manthey.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Res Ispa Loquitur part 1.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Res Ipsa Loquitur part 2.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Res Ipsa Loquitur part 3.
- Re: get gun rights restored res ipsa, 10/03/07, by Prairie Dawg.
- Re: get gun rights restored res ipsa, 10/03/07, by who cares.