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    Re: get gun rights restored

    Posted by J. Manthey on 9/16/07

    Once again an assumption is made. The whole story is documented by
    a court reporter and on file in the Stafford County Juvenile and
    Domestic Courts. My son was attempting to leave his residence after
    discovering his wife was once again having an affair. His wife
    asked him to not leave mad, walked him to the door and asked for a
    goodbye kiss. In the court room my son was asked "did he kiss his
    wife" his reply yes. His wife was then asked by the judge, "did she
    want the kiss" her reply no. The judge ruled that the kiss was
    unauthorized touching and found him quilty of simple assault. His
    lawyer went beserk because kissing is a normal part of a marital
    relationship and was threatened with contempt and all parties were
    removed separatly from the court room. The original charge was
    taken out by the wife personally at the magistrates office and
    stated that sometime between July 1st and August 1st of 2000. The
    County Deputies would not touch it as they found no sign of any
    physical, emotional abuse or property distruction. I already told
    you that it has been stated that even Steven Spielberg could not
    write this! I would love to tell the whole story of how the TRUE
    VICTIMS are not afforded a full investigation into the allegation
    prior to being convicted thanks to law makers reacting to the OJ
    SIMPSON syndrome. Truly, many women know how to work the system and
    all it takes is a phone call to falsely accuse the male and our
    Judicial System does not want to be held accountable for another OJ,
    answer, take the easy way and all males are guilty!!

    Again, I am asking for help to correct not only my son's problem but
    the many other TRUE VICTIMS. Please respond if you have
    constructive information not a quick assumption of who is quilty.

    On 9/16/07, Curmudgeon wrote:
    > Kissing one's spouse is not a crime. How about giving us the
    > whole story? It sounds more like he attempted to rape his
    > estranged wife and was allow to plea it down to a simple assault
    > charge. IMHO, taking guns away from rapists is not a bad thing.
    > On 9/16/07, j. Manthey wrote:
    >> Simple assault against a family member supposedly falls under
    >> the federal domestic law which makes it a felony. This is the
    >> whole problem, no one knew it was a felony, your response is
    >> exactly what my son was advised and not to bother appealing. We
    >> are in Stafford, VA. We are being advised that expunging the
    >> record would not truly remove it...and not to waste our money on
    >> a lawyer. Our son is not the only victim to this
    >> interpretation of the law and confusion... so is his son HUNTER
    >> who has done nothing wrong but wait patiently listening to the
    >> advise given to his father and expecting everything to be okay
    >> and that they can go hunting this season as a father and son
    >> team. What are we teaching our children about our justice system.
    >> On 9/15/07, Res Ipsa Loquiutur wrote:
    >>> Simple asault is only a misdemeanour. Felonies get gun rights
    >>> taken away. What state are you in? Expunge the record is the
    >>> best thing to do. I have never heard of waiting 5 years or
    >>> federal offence of "simple assault" takes 2nd amendement
    >>> rights away.
    >>> Res Ipsa Loquiutur
    >>> On 9/07/07, larry w. campbell wrote:
    >>>> On 8/25/07, j.manthey wrote:
    >>>>> My son was found guilty of simple assault, Kissing his
    >>>>> wife, sometime between July 1 and August 1 ,2000. His
    >>>>> attorney said do not appeal, it is just a Traffic Ticket.
    >>>>> Later he attempted to purchase and was eventually charged
    >>>>> with a misdemeanor, served community service, paid fines
    >>>>> and lost his rights to own a gun. He has faithfully
    >>>>> waited the five years that he was informed to wait and
    >>>>> then advised to approach the courts for restoration.
    >>>>> Another false information, now he is being told that it is
    >>>>> a federal law and he can never own a gun again. His
    >>>>> eleven year old son has waited to go hunting with his
    >>>>> father, planning on this deer season. It has been a long
    >>>>> standing family tradition that our Father's take their
    >>>>> sons hunting. Great Grandpa spent thirty years
    >>>>> volunteering by teaching gun safety classes.
    >>>>> Our son has full custody of his son and the mother has
    >>>>> lost all rights and cannot contact or visit the son. She
    >>>>> is currently serving a sentence of 18 years suspened to
    >>>>> one year on various fraud "Lies" charges. Charged with 31
    >>>>> and plead to 5. nolle processe the balance.
    >>>>> Through out this whole ordeal our Son has managed to
    >>>>> maintain his top secret clearance for his government job.
    >>>>> The security clearance people made statement "that even
    >>>>> Steven Spielberg could not make this up" Yet he is still
    >>>>> the victim of the system. Males are always guilty and
    >>>>> females the victims.
    >>>>> PLEASE, someone help! Where do we begin?
    >>>>> We also believe that he is not the only male victim and
    >>>>> would like to work toward a common goal of making the
    >>>>> justice system truly equal for all.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • get gun rights restored, 8/25/07, by j.manthey.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/07/07, by larry w. campbell.
  • Re: Questions about West Coast School of Law, 9/08/07, by prospective student.
  • Re: Questions about West Coast School of Law, 9/10/07, by 123.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/15/07, by Res Ipsa Loquiutur.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by j. Manthey.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by J. Manthey.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by J.Manthey.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Res Ispa Loquitur part 1.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Res Ipsa Loquitur part 2.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Res Ipsa Loquitur part 3.
  • Re: get gun rights restored res ipsa, 10/03/07, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: get gun rights restored res ipsa, 10/03/07, by who cares.

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