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    Re: get gun rights restored

    Posted by Res Ispa Loquitur part 1 on 9/16/07

    Manthey this is 2 parts because the web administrator needs
    to review it. it might be too long...

    First remember these words. I will get get a lot of flack
    from the board but here it is...Lawyers are a bunch of lazy
    basters looking only for quick money they don't have to work
    for. If there is work envolved this brings down the "protect
    their fee" ratio. You are under the wrong impression that
    you Need a lawyer to help you. The old way of becoming a
    lawyer was to sit down and read law books and then take the
    bar. The is exactly how Lincoln did it. So the best lawyer
    for you is yourself armed with legal knowledge. You will
    discover (many) lawyers only know just the basics of a
    particuliar area to get by (but charge you as if they are an
    expert in the area!) So read and read more and this will set
    you free....

    Next, I see from my reading on the net (hint) :

    Possession of Firearm After Conviction of Misdemeanor Crime
    of Domestic Violence, 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(9)
    As of September 30, 1996, it is illegal to possess a firearm
    after conviction of a misdemeanor crime of domestic
    violence. This prohibition applies to persons convicted of
    such misdemeanors at any time, even if the conviction
    occurred prior to the new law's effective date. A qualifying
    misdemeanor domestic violence crime must have as an element
    the use or attempted use of physical force or the threatened
    use of a deadly weapon. For example, a conviction for a
    misdemeanor violation of a protection order will not
    qualify, even if the violation was committed by a violent
    act, if the statute does not require the use or attempted
    use of physical force or the threatened use of a deadly
    weapon. The U. S. Attorney's Office can determine which
    misdemeanor convictions qualify.

    See next part for rest of answer

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  • get gun rights restored, 8/25/07, by j.manthey.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/07/07, by larry w. campbell.
  • Re: Questions about West Coast School of Law, 9/08/07, by prospective student.
  • Re: Questions about West Coast School of Law, 9/10/07, by 123.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/15/07, by Res Ipsa Loquiutur.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by j. Manthey.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by J. Manthey.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by J.Manthey.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Res Ispa Loquitur part 1.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Res Ipsa Loquitur part 2.
  • Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Res Ipsa Loquitur part 3.
  • Re: get gun rights restored res ipsa, 10/03/07, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: get gun rights restored res ipsa, 10/03/07, by who cares.

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