Re: get gun rights restored
Posted by Res Ipsa Loquitur part 3 on 9/16/07
Manthey There might be more complications in this matter and possibly other fed and state laws but this is your job to find them. For now start with this one w w w.mincava. umn .edu / documents/ ffc /chapter5/chapter5.h tml then get a criminal law suppliment ie Emmanuels or Gilberts to understand criminal law the cost $27 for each. PS Appeals are time consuming and costly - a Lawyers nightmare. Does this give you any indication why this rediculus finding was not appealed? Traditionally crime against the state is the states jurisdiction. But as the Federal government gains more and more power over the states (been going on since 1803 Maybry v Madison) Rights of all citizens will slowly errode. Good luck Res Ipsa Loquitur
Posts on this thread, including this one
- get gun rights restored, 8/25/07, by j.manthey.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/07/07, by larry w. campbell.
- Re: Questions about West Coast School of Law, 9/08/07, by prospective student.
- Re: Questions about West Coast School of Law, 9/10/07, by 123.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/15/07, by Res Ipsa Loquiutur.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by j. Manthey.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Curmudgeon.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by J. Manthey.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by J.Manthey.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Res Ispa Loquitur part 1.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Res Ipsa Loquitur part 2.
- Re: get gun rights restored, 9/16/07, by Res Ipsa Loquitur part 3.
- Re: get gun rights restored res ipsa, 10/03/07, by Prairie Dawg.
- Re: get gun rights restored res ipsa, 10/03/07, by who cares.