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    Re: VA has denied "Veterans" the right to own guns

    Posted by -- on 1/12/08

    > TO: Posted by -- on 1/12/08?
    > Do you have any knowledge and or hope on H.R. 2640, the NICS
    > Improvement Amendments Act of 2007, signed into law by Mr. Bush on
    > January 8, 2007 for Veterans?
    > Thanks for replying.

    The NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 has a history going back
    to the 107th Congress. As enacted in 2007, it does appear to provide
    some relief for veterans who have been reported to NICS by the VA but
    not adjudged to be mentally ill. The bill requires "government
    agencies" to limit their reporting to adjudicated cases of illness.
    It also provides for removal of disability for several reasons.

    This may allow you or anyone who has been reported to NICS by the VA
    to reopen their case. If you were not adjudged by a court to be
    incompetent or have since had the disability removed by treatment or
    have since been adjudged to no longer suffer from the disability, you
    should be able to have the record of the disability removed from NICS

    Unfortunately, this bill appears to do nothing for regular citizens
    victimized by unfair reporting and actually strengthens the reporting

    In any event, other areas of concern beyond gun rights still remain a
    growing problem. The result of a "Mental health history" continues to
    be a lifetime disability that removes certain due process rights and
    confers a stigmatism worse than a criminal record.

    Shrinks operate on a type of cult mentality. To question the
    authority or judgment of an "ordained" shrink is in and of itself seen
    as mental illness. The "faith" of the mental health profession
    contains ritualistic practices and a "magic" language beyond the
    understanding of mere "unordained" followers (patients). Failure is
    always the fault of an unfaithful, disobedient follower who needs
    further "treatment" (at $250 per hour) while any good in the life of a
    follower is the result of brilliant treatment by the shrink.

    Hope the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 brings you relief
    from the cult of psychiatry. Try to stay away from shrinks in the

    rbrb rbrb Do you have any knowledge and or hope on H.R. 2640, the NICS rbrb Improvement Amendments Act of 2007, signed into law by Mr. Bush on rbrb January 8, 2007 for Veterans? rbrb rbrb Thanks for replying. The NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 has a history going back to the 107th Congress. As enacted in 2007, it does appear to provide some relief for veterans who have been reported to NICS by the VA but not adjudged to be mentally ill. The bill requires oxxogovernment agenciesoxxo to limit their reporting to adjudicated cases of illness. It also provides for removal of disability for several reasons. This may allow you or anyone who has been reported to NICS by the VA to reopen their case. If you were not adjudged by a court to be incompetent or have since had the disability removed by treatment or have since been adjudged to no longer suffer from the disability, you should be able to have the record of the disability removed from NICS records. Unfortunately, this bill appears to do nothing for regular citizens victimized by unfair reporting and actually strengthens the reporting requirements. In any event, other areas of concern beyond gun rights still remain a growing problem. The result of a oxxoMental health historyoxxo continues to be a lifetime disability that removes certain due process rights and confers a stigmatism worse than a criminal record. Shrinks operate on a type of cult mentality. To question the authority or judgment of an oxxoordainedoxxo shrink is in and of itself seen as mental illness. The oxxofaithoxxo of the mental health profession contains ritualistic practices and a oxxomagicoxxo language beyond the understanding of mere oxxounordainedoxxo followers (patients). Failure is always the fault of an unfaithful, disobedient follower who needs further oxxotreatmentoxxo (at $250 per hour) while any good in the life of a follower is the result of brilliant treatment by the shrink. Hope the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 brings you relief from the cult of psychiatry. Try to stay away from shrinks in the future.">
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  • Re: VA has denied "Veterans" the right to own guns, 1/12/08, by Paul Tyler.
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  • Re: VA has denied "Veterans" the right to own guns, 1/12/08, by --.
  • Re: VA has denied "Veterans" the right to own guns, 1/12/08, by Paul Tyler.
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  • Re: VA has denied "Veterans" the right to own guns, 1/13/08, by Paul Tyler.
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  • Re: VA has denied "Veterans" the right to own guns, 1/13/08, by Paul Tyler.
  • Re: VA has denied "Veterans" the right to own guns, 1/13/08, by --.
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  • Re: VA has denied "Veterans" the right to own guns, 1/14/08, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: VA has denied "Veterans" the right to own guns, 1/14/08, by Paul Tyler.

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