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    Re: Expungement

    Posted by -- on 4/17/08

    On 4/17/08, Vee Brown wrote:
    > When I was 18 years old, I was convicted of a felony for
    > forgery. Some guys that I knew came into the store that I
    > worked at and wanted to use a credit card number they had.
    > I rung them up and let them use it. It was a few hundred
    > dollars not over $1,000.00. Along with them I was charged
    > with forgery, I dont know how their cases played out but I
    > do know that one of them their case was dismissed. I fully
    > cooperated with the detective and everything. I told my
    > part in it and I thought that would help. I couldnt afford
    > an attorney so I had a public defender who did not do his
    > job at all. By this being my first and only crime (to this
    > day) i was given 3 years probation. I successfully
    > completed probation and was released. My probation officer
    > had even told me that I should have at the maximum been
    > charged with misdemeanor theft....Its been a few years
    > since then and I didnt realize how that one mistake would
    > affect my life, children and career. I would like to know
    > if anyone has any information as to how I can either get
    > sealed or something, anything! Thanks for your help...P.S
    > this is my first time on this site not sure if I am
    > on the right chatboard...

    Your possible options depend on the state you live in.
    Your best chance is to see a lawyer in your state.
    It will be a good investment. Call your local bar
    association and explain what your legal need is and ask for
    a referral. Or, you might just call a few lawyers and
    explain your situation.

    Other possibilities include:

    You also may qualify for legal aid assistance depending on
    your income;

    If you belong to a church, ask the pastor/priest/rabbi,
    etc., for advice.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Expungement , 4/17/08, by Vee Brown .
  • Re: Expungement , 4/17/08, by Seal that record.
  • Re: Expungement , 4/17/08, by --.

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