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    Post: fedral restoration of rights

    Posted by Elmer on 5/29/08

    Does anyone know of any latest developments on a fedral
    level for restoring rights? I understand ATF is no longer
    holding hearings, and since the Supreme Court ruled against
    in the LaMar Bean case local federal district courts cannot
    be used as an avenue for appeal for ATF's denial to hear.
    It's really nonsense that persons who do not pose a threat
    or danger to society should be put into a catagory with
    those that do. After all the intent of Congress was to
    prevent these dangerous individuals from possessing
    firearms uless rehabilitated. One attorney I recently
    talked to says in new sentencing guidelines it can be
    deterimined at sentencing if 2nd ammendment rights would be
    effected for each individual case, depending on
    circumstances. However he states this is not retroactive.
    He is looking into the new law now. If I find out anything
    I'll be sure to pass it along. But if anyone knows of any
    methods for retoration I'd like to hear it. Sincerely Elmer

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