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    Re: Restoring Gun Rights

    Posted by Paul T. Ferris on 10/22/08

    If you signed an acknowledgment that you were losing your
    gun rights for three years, the violation of no contact
    order must have qualified as a domestic violence offense.
    You are prohibited under the laws of Washington state, but
    not under federal law.

    Three years after the date of conviction, you are eligible
    to petition for restoration of your right to possess
    firearms, provided you meet the other statutory requirements.

    I would advise against attempting to purchase a firearm.
    First, Form 4473 asks whether you have ever been convicted
    of a crime of domestic violence. While the question refers
    to offenses involving the element of force or threatened use
    of weapon, you would not want to provide an answer that
    could be construed as false.

    NICS will deny the transfer if you are prohibited under the
    laws of the state where attempting to purchase, even if you
    are clear under federal law.

    You can find additional information on these issues at my

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Restoring Gun Rights, 9/15/08, by David .
  • Re: Restoring Gun Rights, 9/15/08, by Gunsmoke.
  • Re: Restoring Gun Rights, 9/15/08, by --.
  • Re: Restoring Gun Rights, 10/22/08, by Paul T. Ferris.

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