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    Post: Relief From Firearms Prohibition In California

    Posted by R.P. on 4/03/09

    I was admitted to a mental health facility under WIC 5150 in
    2006. I was held at the facility for 12 hours and released.
    As a result, I was prohibited from own firearms for 5 years
    under WIC 8103(f)(1). I am requesting a hearing for relief.
    The people have to show by the preponderance of the evidence
    that I would not use guns in a safe manner. I believe that
    they would have a difficult time proving that I would be
    unsafe based on the fact that I was not held for the full 72
    hours under WIC5150 and that I have had no further issues.
    Is that a correct assumption? Does the firearms prohibition
    by the state trigger anything at the federal level? Thanks!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Relief From Firearms Prohibition In California, 4/03/09, by R.P..
  • Re: Relief From Firearms Prohibition In California, 4/04/09, by What were you admitted to a mental health facility for?.
  • Re: Relief From Firearms Prohibition In California, 4/04/09, by R.P..

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