Re: Restoring firearm rights in Wisconsin
Posted by Get money, pay lawyer on 8/02/09
Bubba, Hire a lawyer, dont ask these idiot "law students", legal questions. On 8/02/09, Tony wrote: > > Dear Friend, > > I need your help with an issue I have concerning my gun > ownership rights. Five years ago, I was arrested for > pointing a firearm at my wife. At the time, we had been > drinking alcohol and got into a heated argument over an > affair she had with a friend of mine. I had a 380 auto I > used for protection in case someone broke into the house. > Knowing the gun was unloaded, I brought the gun into the > situation. I have been ashamed of these actions since this > took place. I was arrested and received a felony and a > possible 12-year prison sentence. In the end, I did not do > any prison time. My lawyer told me that the state attorney > would drop the felony to a misdemeanor if I did four years > probation and stayed out of trouble. Directly after I > left the courthouse I got myself into the AA fellowship. I > am proud to say that I still am an active member. I also > got counseling for both my wife and myself. We are still > married and are continuing to work at our marriage. I did > everything the courts told me to do and more. I got an > early release from my probation sentence and my felony was > dropped to a misdemeanor. I asked my attorney if my gun > rights had been restored and said they had. About a year > later, I went to purchase a 22-target pistol and was > rejected. I contacted my attorney and he did not > understand why I was rejected. After some research, he > told me that the state of Wisconsin had restored my > firearm rights, but on the federal level, they were not > restored. Before all this mess took place, I used go > hunting all the time. It was time to get together with my > family and do something we all enjoyed. I am not a young > man anymore; I have relatives in their 90’s that I would > only see during our hunting trips and would like to hunt > for a few more years, before I cannot do it anymore. I > know that what I did was the most irresponsible thing I > could have done. I used to tell friends and family not to > mix alcohol and firearms. I taught my children about > firearm safety at an early age and still talk about it to > this day. I am grateful that no one got injured because > of my mistake and I have learned a life long lesson. If > there is anything you can do to help my situation, I would > be grateful. Sincerely,
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Restoring firearm rights in Wisconsin, 8/02/09, by Tony.
- Re: Restoring firearm rights in Wisconsin, 8/02/09, by Get money, pay lawyer.
- Re: Restoring firearm rights in Wisconsin, 8/03/09, by Lautenberg.