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    Re: Getting firearm back

    Posted by Billy Adams on 1/17/10

    On 9/21/09, JR wrote:
    > I was arrested for Domestic Violence last year (NO weapons
    > involved). When the police came to my house they asked if
    > I own any weapons, which I do legally. They asked me where
    > it was and they took it and left me a receipt. Long story
    > short, I was not charged and now am trying to find out how
    > to get it back. Can anyone help?
    > JR - in L.A., CA
    If you weren't convicted (or even if you were) since a
    legally owned firearm was not involved, if you had an
    attorney all the attorney has to do is file a request with
    the court to have your property returned to you. I've done
    this often. The US Supreme Court has ruled that seizing a
    person's firearms, lawfully owned, based on a domestic
    charge is unconstitutional. Problem is that many counties in
    states have never changed their forms so that once you deal
    with the first hearing, you get a form that says you must
    turn over all firearms (and in most places that actually
    includes bows/arrows). The cops can only go by the judge's
    order. You just need to talk with your attorney and. unless
    I'm missing something, you'll get them back.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Getting firearm back, 9/21/09, by JR.
  • Re: Getting firearm back, 1/17/10, by Billy Adams.

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