Post: Gun Rights in multiple states

Posted by nick on 7/11/12
I was convicted of a non violent felony (theft) in 2005 in
MN. It is my only run in with the law. I did not do any
jail time and paid full restitution as well as did my
probation (reduced to 1.5 yrs rather than the full 3 yrs).
The conviction received a stay of imposition and is now
listed as a misdemeanor. I have since moved to WI and was
rejected for the purchase of a firearm.
I used to hunt in WI, SD, TX and MN. I am currently in the
expungement process. How do I get my gun rights back in the
states I wish to hunt? I will be able to get gun rights
restored in MN. Does this carry over to WI, TX and SD?
The laws are very confusing and contradictory. The attorney
that I consulted is even befuddled by this dilemma.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Gun Rights in multiple states, 7/11/12, by nick.