Post: Gun Rights Here and Nationally

Posted by Deonet on 9/02/12
Everyone who has not committed a crime against another human's body or property should own and learn how to use firearms. We are guaranteed the right to bear arms in our Constitution to protect ourselves and our nation from threats within (Uncle Sam and especially Hillary Clinton types with the Obama regime) and without. If you don't own a gun, get one now. Clinton is trying to push through a UN Gun Ban on an international level despite her oath that our Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Yes, people are killed by guns every day. What happened in Colorado at that movie theater was horrible. Ditto for the shooting of the AZ congresswoman. These things and others like it would not have happened if there had been other sane, morally responsible, gun carrying Citizens on location to put a stop to the crazy ones. Criminals and the mentally unstable do not obey laws anyway. Criminals, regular and government sanctioned, do not obey the law anyway. Do the research. Countries with gun bans have higher violent crime rates than countries where guns are freely owned by the general populace. The best crime deterrents are, for home invasion deterrent, owning at least one large dog and the criminals knowing that there is a high chance of being shot; for situations like general purse snatching, car hijacking, etc, a criminal is much less likely to try anything if he/she knows that the majority of the populace are gun carrying, legally protected people with the right to use maximum if not lethal force to defend themselves and their property. Look at Switzerland. Personally, all of the politicians that are trying to push these gun control, registration, and banning laws ought to be lined up in front of a firing squad and executed for treason, violation of Oath of Office, theft, misappropriation of funds, malfeasance, misfeasance, and trading with the enemies.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Gun Rights Here and Nationally, 9/02/12, by Deonet.
- Re: Gun Rights Here and Nationally, 3/22/13, by Mike.