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    Re: would like my 2nd amendment rights back

    Posted by 1 Patriot-of-many on 8/25/02

    On 8/11/02, vince wrote:
    > i was convicted of a felony back in 93. I served time and
    > have been out of trouble since then. I now have a family
    > which consists of 2 boys 13,and 8, and a little girl age 2.
    > The 13 year old is not mine but I have pretty much raised
    > him since he was 3 years old and he does call me dad. My
    > boys are at the age when they want to experience the thrill
    > of hunting and I want to be able to teach them all I know.
    > As an avid Bowhunter they see me every year get ready for
    > hunting. I've taught my oldest about Bowhunting and he
    > really enjoys it and enjoys going into the woods. I would
    > like to teach him about rifle hunting and be able to take
    > him into the woods on opening day of rifle season like my
    > uncle's did for me. But because my felony is in Wisconsin I
    > don't automatically get this amendment back ( minnesota
    > after you have stayed out of trouble for 10 yrs. you get
    > that right back) can someone help me and point me in the
    > right direction. I've made mistakes in my life to this I do
    > not lie, but I have also changed since them days and gotten
    > older and wiser and would like another chance at these
    > rights(privilages). If anyone could help it would be
    > greatly appreciated.
    > Thanks.

    Contact the Governor's office and/or the local police
    department/sheriff, ask about a pardon and/or how to go about
    regaining your rights by petition.
    I'm sure there is a way to petition for them back.
    You don't mention whether the felony was a violent or
    nonviolent but I think nonviolent would rate higher on the
    possibility of getting them back.
    Personally, I think after serving your sentence for any
    crime,you've been punished and you should automatically
    regain your rights.If you are a good enough risk to be on the
    street,you certainly should be good enough to retain your
    birthrights;If you are too dangerous to own a weapon you
    shouldn't be released from prison..Then again I'm not a
    legislator with open door criminal policy.....Nor a liberal
    who thinks murderers and rapists/kidnappers/child molesters
    can be rehabilitated......
    Good luck to you.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • would like my 2nd amendment rights back, 8/11/02, by vince.
  • Re: would like my 2nd amendment rights back, 8/25/02, by 1 Patriot-of-many.
  • Re: would like my 2nd amendment rights back, 11/27/02, by Chad.
  • Re: would like my 2nd amendment rights back, 12/07/02, by shrawinston.
  • Re: would like my 2nd amendment rights back, 11/26/03, by Chad.
  • Re: would like my 2nd amendment rights back, 12/22/03, by steve.
  • Re: would like my 2nd amendment rights back, 5/22/04, by charles w shay.
  • Re: would like my 2nd amendment rights back, 7/16/06, by giulio.
  • Re: would like my 2nd amendment rights back, 10/03/07, by jake.

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