Posted by sharwinston on 12/07/02
Have you tried filing for expungement under your State's laws? Go to this link for info on Washington State expungements: You can do more research using parameters such as "Washington" + "state" + "expungement" + "record" + "law". Can an expungement help me to lawfully possess firearms? the answer is frequently: Yes. Because an expungement removes the criminal conviction, it may have the effect of removing the disqualification placed upon a "convicted person" from purchasing or possessing firearms under the firearm licensing/possessory law of some states. A State expungement could also remove the Federal disqualification for convicted felons purchasing or possessing firearms. At one time an individual needed a Federal relief from disabilities even though they had a State expungement. Under the 1986 Gun Owners Protection Act, this was changed so that the Federal Government recognizes State expungement. This express recognition may be found under the U.S.C.A. Title 18, 921(a)(20). Expungement of an otherwise qualifying offense also removes one from being subjected to the Lautenberg Domestic Violence Misdemeanor Gun Ban. Since there has been much, much activity in this area of the law, you are cautioned that the above may not be current and you should thoroughly research and investigate for accuracy. On 9/24/02, THOMAS wrote: > I PLEAD GUILTY TOO A CLASS C FELONY IN JUVENILE COURT A FEW > YEARS AGO.MALICIOUSE HARRASSEMENT,PROBATION CUMMUNITY > SERVICE.HAVE NOT GOT IN ANY OTHER TROUBLE.WANTED TO KNOW > HOW I CAN GET MY GUN RIGHTS BACK.THIS WAS IN KING COUNTY,IN > WASHINGTON STATE.IF ANYBODY KNOWS HOW I CAN GET MY GUN > RIGHTS BACK PLEASE POST ANSWER ON BOARD,THANKS.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Re: RESTORING FIREARM RIGHTS, 12/07/02, by sharwinston.
- Re: ONE MORE QUESTION, 12/12/02, by THOMAS.
- Re: ONE MORE QUESTION, 12/12/02, by sharwinston.
- Re: RESTORING FIREARM RIGHTS, 11/22/03, by Joel Clyde.
- Re: RESTORING FIREARM RIGHTS, 12/19/03, by P. T. Ferris.
- Re: ONE MORE QUESTION, 2/14/04, by Punchhowzer.
- Re: RESTORING FIREARM RIGHTS, 2/14/04, by punchhowzer.
- Re: ONE MORE QUESTION, 2/21/04, by chris.
- Re: ONE MORE QUESTION, 3/03/04, by Robert.
- Re: RESTORING FIREARM RIGHTS, 3/30/09, by brenda.
- Re: RESTORING FIREARM RIGHTS, 1/17/10, by Billy Adams.