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    Post: Tips on avoiding remaining Ill-informed

    Posted by The Grt,Grt,Grt, Grandson of Liberty on 11/19/02

    You all (well, some) of you have some valid arguments. This
    topic has a way of raising tempers, which leads to comments
    and decisions made in the "heat of battle", Which makes for
    an un-healty discussion. So lets try to leave emotion at
    the door, and use basic Logic. Now....Yes, the World would
    be a more serine place without "Guns". On that same note, it
    would be a billion times more serine "sans" (without)
    Humans, (at least to those at or near the top of the food
    chain). But, That is not the case.We are here, and must make
    the best of it for the duration. America was "Civilized"
    (and i use the term loosely) by people with guns. Even if
    all guns were outlawed, we would never be free of them. This
    is because not only would you have to remove all Guns, You
    would also have to eradicate all Knowledge of there
    manufacture AND all the raw materials, I.E:Steel, copper,
    sulfer, carbon, etc..used in their manufacture. So even if
    we could put all these things on a rock & throw them out
    into space. You would still be left with the same thing
    ..Planet Earth. Excuse my rudimentary analogy, but it is
    true. You have all heard the line..."take away our guns and
    only criminals will have them", Well Criminals, The armed
    forces , Police, And a select Elite. Do you see where im
    going with this? Guns, However barbaric you may find them,
    are "Equilizers". Basic Logic...You take a large, powerfull
    person..put him with a small weak person..Who has the
    advantage? Now this is acceptable if the large person is a
    benevolent saint and the small one is a sadistic pedophile,
    but reverse the roles....Do you see what im getting at here?
    Humans will instinctively try to gain an advantage by any
    means possible. Instinctivly, that means without conscience
    effort. What does that tell you? Try this one... "Total
    power corrupts".....Am I getting through? Due to the
    duallity of human kind, no-one can take away the balance of
    power without what happening?...anyone? the harsh
    reality of life on earth, one cannot ignore logic without
    the possibility of falling victim to their own ignorance
    (ignorance is not bliss, by the way) Knowledge is the key,
    Education is the power. Use them... A Nation-wide
    "concealled carry permit" law is the only Logical answer.Try
    it.... if nothing else, you will be amazed at how polite
    everyone will become,...... all of a sudden.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Tips on avoiding remaining Ill-informed, 11/19/02, by The Grt,Grt,Grt, Grandson of Liberty.
  • Re: Tips on avoiding remaining Ill-informed, 2/14/04, by Punchhowzer.
  • Re:#1 Tips on debating a subject, 2/14/04, by roosta.
  • Re: Re:#1 Tips on debating a subject, 2/15/04, by v.

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