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    Re: Tips on avoiding remaining Ill-informed

    Posted by Punchhowzer on 2/14/04

    Sounds to me like you need a bit of Ritalin to take the edge
    off. Anyway, your reasoning is very centrist and moderate. I
    do not seek to rationalize about the zero sum game of life
    and biology. Plain and simple: it exists, its real and thats
    that on that.

    I feel no need to engage in a heavy philospophical
    arguement defending why I carry a gun. What I do know is
    this: 1) I am an attorney, 2)The law grants me the ability to
    lawfully possess a concealed .40 cal; 3)No police
    organization can take that away until I have done something
    causing that to happen.

    and the gun control arguments are losing ground. The
    statistics from gov't heath organizations prove that. What
    the media is not telling you is that roughly 33-35 states
    since 1998 have passed gun un-control laws. Here is what we
    can glean: Those who advocate for gun control are often
    hypocrites themselves. Rosie O'Donnell for example has
    security people that are armed. Many libs own guns but won't
    admit it. Gun control and gun control measures have acutally
    helped our cause. For example, the defense attorney who
    subpoenas the records of the state gun registration branch
    for a court case. the records reveal who owns a gun, but is
    also a proponent of gun control.

    oh, and by the way, I think you spell check needs repair.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Tips on avoiding remaining Ill-informed, 11/19/02, by The Grt,Grt,Grt, Grandson of Liberty.
  • Re: Tips on avoiding remaining Ill-informed, 2/14/04, by Punchhowzer.
  • Re:#1 Tips on debating a subject, 2/14/04, by roosta.
  • Re: Re:#1 Tips on debating a subject, 2/15/04, by v.

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