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    Re: Seven die in Chicago warehouse shooting

    Posted by Bill on 10/15/05

    *I think only Law enforcement should carry guns to protect us

    I agree, but let's not forget that almost anything can be a
    deadly weapon

    This animal murdered 6 people and had 12 previous arrests? I
    don't understand why they didn't send him back to his Country
    the first time that he broke the Law?

    We Americans provide them with jobs, Health Insurance, Housing
    and so much more and this is what we get in return? No wonder
    some people are watching the borders trying to stop them from
    coming into this great Country of us

    I hope he spend a lifetime in jail, because the Law was made for
    the lawless!


    On 4/27/05, Joel Clyde wrote:
    > On 3/22/04, Sheila Cohen wrote:
    >> On 8/28/03, Shmuel Goldstein wrote:
    >>> A post from today's CNN (edited)
    >>> -------------------------------------------------
    >>> Thursday, August 28, 2003 Posted: 4:10 AM EDT (0810 GMT)
    >>> CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) -- Salvador Tapia returned to the
    >>> Windy City Core Supply warehouse where he had been fired
    >>> six months ago and killed six of his former co-workers,
    >>> police said Wednesday.
    >>> Tapia, 36, was then shot and killed in the last of three
    >>> gunbattles with police, said acting police superintendent
    >>> Phil Cline.
    >>> Police tried to enter the building, but Tapia came out and
    >>> fired three shots at the officers, Cline said. Fire was
    >>> returned. One minute later, Tapia came back outside the
    >>> building and shot at police again.
    >>> Finally, after considering the injured victims inside, the
    >>> Hostage Barricade and Terrorist team was "ordered to make
    >>> an assault on the building."
    >>> Inside, authorities maneuvered through a maze of 55-gallon
    >>> drums, crates and steel containers filled with engine
    >>> parts. They found Tapia hiding behind the stored parts.
    >>> "He got up. He had the gun. They ordered him to drop the
    >>> gun. He refused to drop the gun, and that's when the
    >>> officer shot him," Cline said.
    >>> Tapia was found with a Walther PP .380-caliber
    >>> semiautomatic pistol and at least one extra clip of
    >>> ammunition.
    >>> Four of the victims died at the scene. The other three,
    >>> including the gunman, were taken to hospitals, police
    >>> spokesman David Bayless said.
    >>> According to the AP, the victims were identified as
    >>> business co-owner Alan Weiner, 50; his brother, Howard
    >>> Weiner, 59, the other co-owner; Howard Weiner's son,
    >> Daniel
    >>> Weiner, 30; Calvin Ramsey, 44; Robert Taylor, 53; and Juan
    >>> Valles, 34.
    >>> Tapia has been arrested 12 times, Cline said. He has an
    >>> arrest record dating back to 1989, including counts of
    >>> domestic battery, gun violations, aggravated assault and
    >>> driving while intoxicated.
    >>> "The problem here is easy access to a firearm," Cline told
    >>> reporters. "Here is someone who never should have had a
    >> gun
    >>> that had a gun."
    >>> ------------------------------------------------------
    >>> I do not have to make up scenarios dealing with baseball
    >>> bats, knives, spoons, and tofu.
    >>> We don't have to look at Nazi Germany, the USSR, or any
    >>> other either former, or hypothetical countries.
    >>> The above story is real, it is from today, and it happened
    >>> in the good 'ole United States of America, alas.
    >>> Salvador Tapia excercised his 2nd amendment right to bear
    >>> arms, and so he was able to purchase his gun, in spite of
    >>> the fact that he was arrested 12 times (!), with a record
    >>> going back 14 years.
    >>> The rights of the victims to live were sacrificed on the
    >>> altar of the 2nd Amendment god.
    >>> Repeal of the 2nd amendment would not have prevented the
    >>> police from having their weapons, but we must ask
    >> ourselves
    >>> if it would have prevent Salvador Tapia from having his?
    >>> The US Constitution is not an absolute, divinely ordained
    >>> set of morals. It is a document made by man, and as such
    >> is
    >>> fallible. Fortunately, man can recognize a mistake, and
    >> fix
    >>> it.
    >>> Let's fix the mistake.
    >>> Repeal the 2nd Amendment now, before more people die.
    >> YES ..I agree 100 &37; people don't kill people...guns kill
    >> people
    >> Some people are time bombs ready to explode and all they
    >> need are guns to go on a killing spree of innocent people
    >> I think only Law enforcement should carry guns to protect us
    >> Citizens
    >> My $0.02 cents worth
    > You're right. That's about what it's worth.
    > I wouldn't dream of burdening you with statistics, proof,
    > logic or even rhetoric, since you didn't see fit to include
    > any in your response. If you feel safe with the police taking
    > 30 minutes or longer to respond to your 911 call, then by all
    > that way. You do not, however, have the right to
    > endanger others with your liberal, anti-constitution views.
    > The thing that bugs me is that we are so nice, we even let
    > y'all vote (another right backed up by the 2nd
    > Ammendment...not by the police, who in times past prevented
    > both blacks and woman from voting...still feel safe?). Now
    > that's tolerance!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Seven die in Chicago warehouse shooting, 8/28/03, by Shmuel Goldstein.
  • Re: Seven die in Chicago warehouse shooting, 11/23/03, by Joel Clyde.
  • Re: Seven die in Chicago warehouse shooting, 11/23/03, by Joel Clyde.
  • Re: Seven die in Chicago warehouse shooting, 12/12/03, by carpediem.
  • Re: Seven die in Chicago warehouse shooting, 2/14/04, by Punchhowzer.
  • Re: Seven die in Chicago warehouse shooting, 3/22/04, by Sheila Cohen.
  • Re: Seven die in Chicago warehouse shooting, 4/27/05, by Joel Clyde.
  • Re: Seven die in Chicago warehouse shooting, 10/15/05, by Bill.
  • Re: Seven die in Chicago warehouse shooting, 10/17/05, by Dale.

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