Re: What about the first ammendment?
Posted by Punchhowzer on 2/14/04
On 8/28/03, rayne wrote:
> First and foremost it is important to remember that
> encroaching on the rights of others while employing ones
> right to free speech and free beliefs is not only self
> destructive, but also invalidates everything one claims to
> stand for. By all means... support whatever you want...
> but remember that in so doing it is imperative that you do
> not over step the bounds of every other right that we as
> Americans are entitled to. Otherwise, all attempts to
> make others see your point are futile
Hey rayne:
What am I to glean from your cute litte post of rather
circular reasoning? Well, I have several questions: 1)How is
the right of free speech on a posting board encroaching on
the rights of others? 2) Who is alleging this encroaching? 3)
How is the "encroachee"(I made that word up!) damaged? 4)
What are the encroach(or's) defenses? 5) Is this to imply
there is a fundamental right of access to a message board? 6)
does anyone have the ability to deny a person access to this
message board? 7) If so, who? 8)are these "claims"
would appreciate your answer and thank you for it in