Re: Misprision of Felony
Posted by G-II Varrato II on 10/13/04
On 3/28/04, Prairie Dawg wrote:
> You weren't real specific as to what state you live in and
> what statute you were prosecuted/convicted under. a littl
> more detail would be helpful.
> On 3/22/04, Wesley wrote:
>> I am 22 year old 4 year veteran of a law enforcement
>> agency that recently had to resign from my position
>> because of something that happened at work and i was
>> charged and convicted of misprision of a felony which is a
>> non-violent crime that consists of knowing about a felony
>> and not reporting it of course i didnt have a clue that
>> what i saw was a felony or i would have reported it, and
>> not reporting it is a felony in itself. Does anyone know
>> how long it will be before i can possibly get my gun
>> rights back and if not will i be able to hunt with archery?
Hello Wesley, I too have been convicted of such a felony. On
Janury 21, 2000, I was convicted inU.S. District Court, Middle
District of Florida, of Mis-prision of Felony, a felony, in
violation of 18 U.S.C. §4.
If you receive any word on your question, please share that
with me.
I now live in Arizona, have been here since 1998. I was able
to secure my Arizona Real Estate license and retained my
Florida Real Estate license until I let it laps a few years
ago. Bottom line... this type of conviction sucks. I, like
you, had no idea that a crime was in progress, let alone a
felony. In my case, the prosecutory offered me a misdemenor
offence if I could get the real crooks to confess but I failed
and for that, was given the misprision of a felony conviction.
Fortunatly, the judge felt that I was more than cooperative
and forced all of the guidelines to the very bottom, and
ultimately revoked the 24 month probation after only two
Good luck... please stay in touch.
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