Re: Misprision of Felony
Posted by Wesley on 4/25/05
On 3/22/04, Wesley wrote: > I am 22 year old 4 year veteran of a law enforcement > agency that recently had to resign from my position > because of something that happened at work and i was > charged and convicted of misprision of a felony which is a > non-violent crime that consists of knowing about a felony > and not reporting it of course i didnt have a clue that > what i saw was a felony or i would have reported it, and > not reporting it is a felony in itself. Does anyone know > how long it will be before i can possibly get my gun > rights back and if not will i be able to hunt with archery? Well sorry about not responding for so long, I have been job searching and luckily I did find a good job recently even though I am still in Limbo with all the court proceedings and my sentencing just keeps on getting postponed, I guess that is a good thing and bad. But I did find out that I can hunt with muzzleloading and archery here in TN but not in certain other states. If anyone wants to talk further in depth on this matter please email me I would rather not go into details on certain issues in an open forum...
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Misprision of Felony, 3/22/04, by Wesley.
- Re: Misprision of Felony, 3/28/04, by Prairie Dawg.
- Re: Misprision of Felony, 10/13/04, by G-II Varrato II.
- Re: Misprision of Felony, 4/25/05, by Wesley.