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    Re: florida or north carolina

    Posted by receiving end of facisim on 7/27/07

    Ozarks Lawyer,
    What happens to the person who has a gun in their possession but
    is not a felon anymore, but is still violating federal law?

    Do they get the ax too?

    On 10/10/04, Ozarks Lawyer wrote:
    > Neither. You will have to apply in your state of residency.
    > Rotsa ruck, though. Federal law bars a convicted felony
    > from possessing a firearm. That includes both ownership and
    > carrying one. It includes both long guns and pistols. It
    > does not include muzzleloaders, however. Muzzleloaders are
    > not "firearms" in the federal system.
    > The only exception is if your civil rights were COMPLETELY
    > restored. That can be through a pardon or through some
    > other provision of state law in the state in which you were
    > convicted, i.e. Florida.
    > Having said that, states often impose extra or different
    > restrictions than that of the federal system. Some states,
    > like I said, will completely restore your civil rights after
    > a period of time. In other states, civil rights are only
    > partially restores. For example, maybe you can vote after
    > being discharged from felony probation or parole.
    > States regulate ownership, possession and carrying
    > muzzleloaders. You should check the law in your state of
    > residency for that. Carrying is usually regulated more
    > strictly than possession. Check into that, too.
    > A word of caution: Unless you're sure about the law, don't
    > carry a gun. Don't store one in your house. Don't hunt
    > with one. Take up bow hunting instead. I've seem what
    > federal juries do to felons with guns. It's not pretty.
    > Plus, it's an easy case for the prosecutor to prove. One of
    > the elements is being a felon, so your status as a felon
    > comes into evidence whether your testify or not. If you
    > testify, a jury will get to hear about your "unarmend" bank
    > robbery and prison term. Then, either you had a gun or you
    > did not.
    > Bottom line, don't attempt this without sound legal counsel.
    > On 9/01/04, michael smith wrote:
    >> I was convicted of unarmed bank robbries in the southern
    >> district of fla, in 1986 fort lauderdale area, and
    >> sentenced to 8 years in federal prison,where my time was
    >> spent in butner north carolina facillity.I was released
    >> oct. 1991 and continued on paroled till 1996 with no
    >> question is do I try to apply for my right to
    >> carry a gun in fla.where I was convicted or in north
    >> carolina where I served my time and was released

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • florida or north carolina, 9/01/04, by michael smith.
  • Re: florida or north carolina, 10/10/04, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: florida or north carolina, 7/27/07, by receiving end of facisim.

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