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    Re: Federal Law Question

    Posted by Ozarks Lawyer on 11/27/04

    Word to the wise, Andrew: Avoid sending confidential
    information via email.

    Your follow-up email to my computer contained enough information
    for me to track your IP no. right down to your name, business
    name, and business address. That information was confirmed on
    the secretary of state's website for registered DBA's,
    corporations, and limited liability companies.

    No harm done, because I'm nottelling. But others might.

    Your email traveled through who knows how many computers en
    route to its destination. Some are specifically designed to
    intercept email and screen them for terrorist threats and the
    like. I have even heard of politicians setting up computers to
    intercept email and gather campaign intelligence. Once I had a
    client's email wind up at the prosecutor's office because the
    police chief employed such tactics.

    So the threat of disclosure to all the wrong people is real. Be

    I suggest you schedule an appointment to speak with an attorney
    in the .... area where you live.

    On 11/24/04, v wrote:
    > On 11/23/04, Ozarks Lawyer wrote:
    >> What specific felony is following
    > you? Cite the statute no.
    >> if you know it. When was it? What
    > was the disposition
    >> (i.e. SIS probation, conviction and
    > probation with a "back
    >> up," or prison sentence)? What was
    > the ultimate disposition
    >> (complete probation, record sealed,
    > 12/12 a prison sentence)?
    >> The answers to these questions will
    > help me determine your
    >> firearms rights.
    >> I won't comment on your fairness
    > argument about jury service
    >> and public office. If you can't,
    > then you can't.
    >> As to the law, yes, there is a
    > provision barring you from
    >> state office, depending upon your
    > answers above. You can
    >> serve on city council board, but not
    > a state board. That
    >> may include subdivions, such as
    > county government. But I'm
    >> not sure off hand.
    >> I've never sought a pardon on
    > someone's behalf. So I cannot
    >> speak from experience on how hard
    > that is.
    >> On 11/23/04, Andrew wrote:
    >>> In my state (Missouri) There is no
    > law that disqualifies a
    >>> non dangerous felon from owning non
    > concealable firearms.
    >>> But under Federal Law I am not
    > allowed to own firearms.
    >>> My question is this since I owned
    > the gun prior to
    >>> conviction and never surrendered
    > it. How would the
    >>> interstate commerce setion of the
    > federal law apply. Can
    >>> limitations on things purchased
    > legally be retro applied?
    >>> Is there a specific federal mandate
    > that says upon
    >>> conviction the firearm must be
    > surrendered? Next question
    >>> under missouri law I am forever
    > bared from serving on a
    >>> jury. But have the right to vote
    > and have found no
    >>> specific disqualification from
    > public office. What are
    >>> the measure of civil rights being
    > restored. And since
    >>> when did serving on a Jury become a
    > civil right and not a
    >>> duty? If you don't vote you don't
    > go to jail, if you
    >>> chose not to serve public office
    > you don't go to jail, But
    >>> if you skip Jury Duty there is a
    > warrent issued for you
    >>> arrest. Next someone will tell me
    > that if attending Court
    >>> cases on your own behalf is a Civil
    > Right. Any way My
    >>> question is does any one have any
    > specific information on
    >>> Missouri has to how hard it is to
    > get a pardon?
    > The pardon would come from the
    > govna. You would have to apply there.
    > As far as i learnd here there are
    > different classes of felonys. A
    > through F I believe. Some are not
    > pardonable. You say you lost the right
    > to serve on a jury? I have a
    > juvinile Felony. I wish some one would
    > tell that to some one here in joisey.
    > I must get called once a year! But yey
    > i almost lost a job because of it. And
    > i was denied a purchase permit to buy
    > a fireaem. Yeah it makes it all very
    > clear you see!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Federal Law Question, 11/23/04, by Andrew.
  • Re: Federal Law Question, 11/23/04, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: Federal Law Question, 11/24/04, by v.
  • Re: Federal Law Question, 11/27/04, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: Federal Law Question - one more time, 11/27/04, by Ozarks Lawyer.

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