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    Re: Is gun ownership still a good idea?

    Posted by Bub-by Civil Rights on 7/27/07

    On 3/14/05, PV wrote:
    > I heard these arguments against guns on another message
    > board. They seem logical to me.
    > "Keeping and using arms just keeps political brawls going.
    > Look at most of Africa for example. They do just what you
    > say--they fight to protect their homes, families, land,
    > whatever. But it never gets settled and there's perpetual
    > slaughter and unrest. It keeps Care and Unicef, etc. very
    > busy.
    > "If America has experienced relative peace, as has the rest
    > of the democratic world, it is because they have put the
    > guns down and have set up a system for everyone to address
    > and resolve problems in a fair and civilized way. It's
    > called creating checks and balances; establishing balance
    > of power. And our liberty, dear fellow, is not derived from
    > having a bigger gun with more bells and whistles. Our
    > liberty is in law . We settle our disputes in a civilized
    > way on the courtroom floor or the legislative floor--but we
    > are smart enough to leave the guns out of it.
    > "As soon as you pick up the gun instead, well--might as
    > well move to Mogadishu where you'll fit right in. Then you
    > too can keep the need for relief organizations going, and
    > expect you and yours to live a much shorter lifespan with
    > nothing resolved politically."
    > "Natural rights are something that you have because you are
    > a human being. I don't think that there is a natural right
    > to bear arms.
    > " 'It is interesting to note that the right to arms (either
    > linked or divorced from duty in a militia) formed no part
    > of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man
    > promulgated by revolutionary France in 1789, and that it
    > forms no part of the United Nation's Universal Declaration
    > of Human Rights or the European Convention for the
    > Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
    > today.'(The Militia and the Right to Arms or How The Second
    > Amendment Fell Silent, chapter 7 endnote 34)
    > "So the French, the UN, and the European Convention haven't
    > recognized that a right to bear arms exists."
    > 200 years ago people had muskets and it was hard to mass
    > murder people with those. But now people have machine guns
    > because the AWB was repealed so you have problems with mass
    > murder. Times have changed.

    People don't have machine guns because the AWB was repealed,
    machine guns are illegal without a permit only the government
    can give. And what a beautiful government it is becoming.

    Move to Europe you ignorant fool. Live among all the peaceful
    individuals there. Planting flowers and touching yourself.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Is gun ownership still a good idea? , 3/14/05, by PV.
  • Re: Is putting nuts away still a good idea? , 3/15/05, by v.
  • Re: Is putting nuts away still a good idea? , 5/02/05, by czne.
  • Re: Is gun ownership still a good idea? , 7/27/07, by Bub-by Civil Rights.

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