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    Post: Florida non-res CCW valid in Virginia???

    Posted by Inquisitive on 4/29/05

    As a resident of Virginia who holds a valid (non-resident)
    Florida CCW license, does anyone know if it is accepted in
    Virginia at face value?

    I know Florida CCW license is valid in VA but the wording
    seems to assume that would be by a visitor. What about a
    resident of VA who happens to already have a Florida CCW

    Does that VA resident need to obtain a Virginia CCW
    license also? If so, WHY?

    The reicprocity agreement indicates that a vaid Florida
    licence holder's CCW license is valid in Virginia, but
    makes no clear point about it applying to residents of
    Virginia using that CCW license!

    Anyone have any experience of this?

    Questions to VA State Police get a polite but
    defensive "We THINK it's valied, but Why don't you just
    get a VA CCW license"?

    But that is not and should not be the question. They are
    not able to directly and definitively answer the question!

    I would hate to get arrested and then have to attempt to
    prove that it is valid and should therefore be accepted.


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Florida non-res CCW valid in Virginia???, 4/29/05, by Inquisitive.
  • Re: Florida non-res CCW valid in Virginia???, 6/13/05, by Former LE.

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