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    Post: Analyze Spousal Computers in Family Law Cases

    Posted by CCE on 5/21/06

    When the Divorce Starts...check computers!!!!!!

    Because so many families are using computers, Email, and
    the Internet one should ALWAYS consider the analysis of the
    family computer or the spousal computer. Many cases of
    custody and visitation have been solved or modified because
    of computer evidence found by a computer forensics
    investigator when the divorce starts. If you hire one, make
    sure he/she is licensed, otherwise the unlicensed computer
    technician, or "friend" who checks out that computer will
    make mistakes and will be disqualified in court. They will
    miss data, and won't know how to present it as child
    custody evidence.

    In all divorce situations the "Computer can be your best
    witness" and that can happen with those licensed computer
    forensics investigators who can find data that is hidden,
    disguised, or deleted. There are fantastic examples of
    spouses who were discovered to be sexual
    predators/stalkers/molestors just by finding the data on
    their computers. The results of computer forensic analysis
    can be a relief when no other proof is available to protect
    the kids.

    You can also discover computer/online behavior of the
    children involved in a divorce that could help them over
    issues that were only discovered when their computer was
    checked. Sometimes the kids know the best ways of hiding
    data from parents, however, a skilled and equipped licensed
    computer forensics investigator will find it all.

    CAUTION: The licensing issue is VERY important if you
    want your computer evidence to help your divorce in court.
    You will find many "unlicensed Propeller Head
    investigators" who won't tell you about this cruicial issue.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Analyze Spousal Computers in Family Law Cases, 5/21/06, by CCE.

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